
1% you say?? That is a... generous estimate. Then again, 1% of the world control the majority of its wealth with little or no consideration to the other 99% so this statistic may have validity after all. But I say we lessen that percent, starting with this fucking little toadie. Why don't we photoshop him on some

I'm mortified that people like this man exist and that he has honest-to-God followers. The fact that he admits to enjoying ruining people's lives, humiliating women and allowing them to be bullied into suicide on his site speaks not only to his nightmare level sadism, but to the collective sadism and hedonism that

You're very brave and dealing with a situation that places burden of proof on the victim more than the perpetrator. Just talking about it is the first step. If you need legal help and cannot afford an attorney, go to the local courthouse and make use of their library or ask their clerks.

I know maybe one or two guys who act like this. The rest of the men I know would kick their asses! Poor woman =(

I dig these ideas. I think perhaps sexualizing men in a similar fashion that women have always been sexualized may promote a little empathy. And maybe it could empower men a little by validating their sexuality in a different way other than high-fiving them for their conquests.

This has less to do with drinking and more to do with the psychology of college students and their antipathy towards their fellow students. Predators do not view their victims as humans, and by calling someone a "slut" or a "faggot" just perpetuates said antipathy, thus making them objects of abjection—and being made

She is like that younger, goody-goody loser cousin who gets one piercing and here's three Ke$ha songs and thus decides on a stripper junk-shop makeover. As long as she doesn't start hanging out in libraries and posturing herself as a faux-intellectual—similar to the years she spent posturing herself as the ultimate

There is nothing wrong with smoking pot. Parading around with a doobie on stage for the sake of fame-mongering on a continent that views marijuana use with a general attitude of apathy is just funny and worth a few lines of mockery on a media-critiquing site.

I really wanted him to be the chosen one in the end.

Let's just stop having kids. The culture pimped to them is toxic and limiting, the very air and water is toxic as well, the economy sucks, women and people of color are still voting republican and this is the same world that let Firefly get cancelled. Innocent creatures need not the world and its infinite sufferings.

I remember reading Emile Durkheim's historical study on what groups are more likely to commit suicide: WASPs are at greater risks because thy have less ties to community and less religious rituals if any at all. Women were seen as less likely because they have stronger community and are still seen as the cohesive

Dear America,

I've never experienced this with Google. Ever. Every time I typed "women" in image searches to see if this was actually happening, all I got were terms such as "empowerment", "clothes" and "hairstyles."

Cosmo is still crap and if what's-her-face-I-don't-care editor wants to get politicians involved, put them on the damn cover instead of the typical myriad of talent-less cleavage-bearers. Or write about something other than "How to Doubt Your Otherwise Fine Relationship", "Five Minutes to Lower Self-Esteem" and my

I did a speech for public-speaking years ago and did mine on being safe on campus, while emphasizing that people are crazy and that stalkers have a cornucopia of information thanks to FB and that stupid check-in app. Sure enough, after the humiliation of that speech (my class thought it was paranoia-driven), a girl

Today we began watching Crumb he reminded me of every self-pitying loser to whom I was always stupid enough to pay attention. One of those creeps (my high school stalker, all four years) texted me what I thought was a suicide note and I was so exhausted from doing homework that it didn't occur to me till I got to

My mother has gotten me every vaccine, including gardisil which many parents refused to get their kids out of fear that it would promote promiscuity (morons!). I've never had chickenpox or any horrible, preventable communicable disease. And I still know people who are stupid enough to still be going on the word of

I had severe anxiety just watching the preview. The concept is a little too much for me personally.

I wholeheartedly appreciate all the kind and encouraging comments since it seems my friends (term used liberally) and parents seem to think it's more my fault for not being "more aware." Hugs to everyone out there <3

I agree. At a party the other night some asshole grabbed my face from behind and was cutting off my air supply and nobody, nobody being my friends, did anything and i was forced to literally bite his hands as hard as I could and elbow him in the gnads from behind. Of course everyone found it funny that lipstick got