
If Patti Strangler, or whatever her face is named, is such an expert, why are most of us still single, not legally or spiritually married or getting divorced. And more to the point, the film was not about how an older woman fixed a man's sexual dysfunction, but how someone with said sexual dysfunction came to

I worked with lots of Irish students over the summer who told me how cheap college was in their home country versus here in the states; the only problem is that one has to be a citizen. I foresee a future wave of MBA-diggers: people who marry citizens of foreign nations known for lower-priced, higher education.

A special interest organization obsessed with self-promotion, to the point that its own cause is secondary, alleges a sub-par entertainer for using exotic animals promote a cookie-cutter single that was not strong enough to stand on its own. Entertainer is also famous for promoting faux lesbianism, psuedo-motivational

Thornberries did it!

I chucked the remote while watching that episode. The next dipshit who tells me feminism is an antiquated fad is going to get a mouthful of broken remote and be forced to listen to some heavy gender-studies discourse.

I had no idea people thought and acted this way. I've been incredibly soft in my judgment of the horrible human race. I never thought to myself "I am dating this man for the sole purpose of experience that can be applied in the future." Usually applied that thinking to my low-wage job. Nor did I think men thought "I

I personally love the elderly for their ability to demonstrate impeccable manners while telling dirty jokes. As for the bra-less, biased journalist, I hope her granny gives her a verbal lashing.

I don't shave my armpits or legs or anything else unless I feel like it. Somebody bitch me out as a caress the feathery soft tuft under my arms that are bruised to shit from moshing all night at a Rancid show. C'mon, I dare ya =)

It is between her and her husband. Maybe they have an open marriage, or maybe she just doesn't care. Who knows? The personal does not always have to be political, but since he is a politician and an unfaithful husband, it is open to public speculation. But why must we persecute his wife? Why is it always the women who

I have hyperosmia (fancy-schmancy scientific name for awesome, insanely strong sense of smell) and I noticed my sense of smell got even crazier-good after I started taking the pill. On one hand I enjoy all the different scents of perfume I can pick up in a crowded area, but it is a bit nauseating when I can gauge how

This is why Irish women can't have nice things. And why Parliament shouldn't have its own bar.

Tampons are believed to be some slippery-slope to sexual deviance, or so I've heard from friends whose grandmothers and single-fathers forbid their use in the family home. It is a personal choice and the personal does not always have to be political, thus the subject of whether or not tampons are pro-feminist or anti

Yeah... I think I'll take my own advice and befriend and/ or seduce whomever I please on my own terms. This is woman is the loud-mouth know-it-all big-sister I never had and to whom I would have never listened anyway.

The thing is, Johnny has portrayed the modern struggle of a native american: He starred in a film called "Brave" (not to be confused with the pixar film film whose heroine is being bastardized into the typical princess image). In the film Depp plays a native-american father who agrees to star in, and die in, a snuff

This brings to mind a clip from Girl-code (most idiotic, gender pigeon-holing show ever) where some woman said "wine will get you drunk/ tequila will get you drunk and pregnant." Even with the epidemic rates of rape on drunken women (and men as well), people still don't think anything is wrong with taking advantage of

Don't put a cover of Cosmo spewing lines such as "so you ate a cupcake" with a picture of taylor swift and trying to tell me to take it seriously. I will not take a magazine with idiotic quizzes, bland interviews and section called "sexy or skanky" seriously. Having grudgingly read cosmo hoping to find some

Now I can remember why I don't want kids. I get too emotionally attached to my own pets and in all honesty, I really dislike children and pity them at the same time since their future seems a lot worse than what I am dealing with now. And truthfully I pity my parents, my father especially. He looks like someone sucked

Amen Ms. West!! As someone who has ventured to find a bra that encompasses support without pain, style without high expense and in fun patters only to fail, I can empathize with your rage and exasperation, as can my other friends with an abundant bust-line. Someone should re-invent they bra already.

Those laws were made to give texans the right to protect themselves if law enforcement cannot come to the rescue in time since it is Texas and people literally live miles away from the nearest business or police station. The $150 was not stolen property but payment for services rendered. If anyone had a right to shoot

I raised questions about Komen's business practices in an FB post in repsonse to an obnoxious message urging myself and all the other girls to post that we were going to a city for a certain amount of time to confuse all the men like it was some cute secret (because apparently breast cancer doesn't afflict or affect