
This is actually the Xmas holiday Hermione went home for in Harry Potter. She was abducted by a mistaken Krampus and had this whole weird fling, but decided it was an abusive relationship and moves on from it. Thus never mentioning it again after the fact. However this sparked her crush on Viktor Krum.

Except the “beast” is a person. And a metaphor.

Neither do I honestly. Or Taylor Swift. I’m more of a Beyonce, Rihanna, and Whitney Houston person. And my guilty pleasure is old Mia X raps!


I don’t really care for Miley Cyrus or Mariah Carey.

(Knox was even falsely told that she had HIV and encouraged to write a list of all the men she had slept with. The list was then released to the press and published across the world.)

People who shit all over teachers should keep educators like Meghan Hollingsworth in mind. Being shot in the shoulder is fucking serious and that she kept herself together to try to help the boy is *nothing* like what she was trained to do. It’s just the common personality trait of people who want to teach in today’s

Fuck you, man, that shit is delicious. Also, this isn’t the time or place to diss SC. Fuck off.

Cue the “not guns, it’s mental illness” comments. I am so fucking angry.

And nothing will change about our gun laws. Shining city on a hill indeed.


As someone who is a huge fan of early Burton (maybe up through Sleepy Hollow?)- you’re not telling me anything I don’t know. But just because you identify as more niche than “weird white people” doesn’t obviate the fact that he is basically saying that he makes movies about a certain subset of white people.

“art-house-camp-goth-misfit movies.”

And he makes the same weird white people movies over and over and over...

- Tim Burton, basically.

Yea, because the two people who should be judging women on their looks and attractiveness are Donald “Mr. Universe” Trump and Newt “Sexiest Man Alive” Gingrich.

yet, his favorite line is “believe me.”

Keep in mind, this is what Trump has stated he wants to do with our National Debt. I imagine our country creditors will look on that just as fondly.

So, wait, you’re saying when ol’ Donnie signs a contract, he’s not telling it like it is??

Translation: I don’t give a shit about this country so I will sit on my ass and stay home instead, but I will tell everybody I can’t vote for evil so I sound like a concerned citizen.