
I’m more concerned that Disney has turned the Beast into Krampus.

A lot of people don’t actually know what “schizophrenia” is.

I spent every summer of my early life in SC. And our family vacation home is there. It’s a mostly s cesspool. Sure, if you have a beach house like we do, it’s a paradise. But only if you have money. Otherwise, it’s a dump full of ignorant hicks.

Not necessarily. There are white people, millions of us, who want entertainment featuring people of color.

Shocker: Feminists often do like children. Some are mothers. Some are not. Some want children. Some do not. But I’m getting the vibe that you think cooing over babies is anti-feminist. It ain’t.

He has been connected to a notorious Dr. Feelgood as a patient in the early 90s. And his current bizarro doctor would do anything for Trump, clearly.

Disturbing, but well done!

Yes! He was a patient of a notorious Dr. Feel good in the past, and that nutty doctor he has would probably keep prescribing him anything,

I have a subscription, which I am about to cancel. The NYT led the way on false equivalency. They treated the email business as the equivalent of Trump being a liar and a misogynist and a tool of Russian dictators as equally wrong.

Sorry. I get a little touchy about the fact that many people on the coasts think all people in flyover country are knuckle-dragging racists.

You do realize that there are tens of millions of progressives scattered through flyover country?

The Jonbenet murder has a lot to teach us about the “justice” system and money and media. It’s a textbook for that. Ignore the ick factor. You don’t have to watch the pageant tapes.

The evidence WAS presented to a grand jury. They wanted to indict the parents--not for murder, but for creating a climate that was unsafe for Jonbenet and covering up a crime.

A grand jury indicted them for aiding and abetting, but the DA wouldn’t prosecute.

He could not be tried for murder because he was nine. That’s state law. Nor should he have been. A grand jury did, in fact, indict both parents for creating a climate that allowed abuse and aiding and covering up a crime.