I knew I read something about him and amputate mimes. OMG look what my spellcheck has wrought. The poor mimes, just sitting there in their boxes, or trying to fight the wind.
I knew I read something about him and amputate mimes. OMG look what my spellcheck has wrought. The poor mimes, just sitting there in their boxes, or trying to fight the wind.
so her weight is the biggest world problem?? she became unfackuble for a soggy cracker spread with spoiled shrimp compote.
He’s Cartman. All grown up.
Mother Theresa, she was just tremendous, she was a very good friend of mine. A lot of people are saying she would be on the trail stumping for me if she hadn’t died and become a saint but I don’t know that’s just what people say. That woman would never have gained any weight. No matter what she was doing and I…
Lucky? Last night was comedy gold, Jerry! GOLD!
It’s also gaslighting extraordinaire- regardless of the cause, we all heard and saw him sniffling.
I feel like he hides a deep festering feeling of shame/embarrassment. Mostly because of the whole tiny hands thing (the vanity Fair article). But you’re probably right, he probably is devoid of human emotions and I’m just trying to feel like one day maybe he could actually change and not be truly awful.
Am I the only one really confused by this vehement denial that he had “the sniffles”?! I mean, sorry dude, the whole world watched you twitch and sniffle--bad mic (?) or not, it wasn’t manufacturing the sound AND FACIAL MOVEMENT of man sniffling.
Let’s get something straight...
Nonhumans for Hillary Clinton! When she wins, you know he is gonna say voting machines conspired against him
Sometimes I think it would be nice to go through life like TheDonald, completely unfettered by any sense of personal responsibility or feelings of shame, guilt, remorse or embarrassment. Then I think nah.
Lmfao even the mic is conspiring against him now! What appliances are going #withher next??
Oh no, sir. We heard every word you said. Bad mic? We should’ve been so lucky.
Yep. Dude was tweaking balls. Either coke or Adderall.
“This is big! Big, I tell you! The biggest, big election EVER!!”
Hillary practiced her lines, Donald snorted his.
Many people are saying Trump is probably addicted to uppers. Educated people, great people. You tell me.
Absolutely relevant. Sometimes I watch people’s bizarre behavior and have to think, well they must be medicated. He tweets all night for fucks sake. He must be pumped up on something.
I just read this interesting article today about how Hitler (and a lot of Nazis) were utterly dependent upon meth and how seminal battles were only possible due to it. And how Hitler’s “ill health” before he killed himself was likely withdrawal because the drug factories had been bombed. Very interesting!