
Right, if you’re confident or have extra money to throw at the build to cover screwups, go ahead. If you’re a first time builder with a very limited budget. I’d save a bit longer, get a prebuilt system, and maybe swap out the GPU and power-supply when you can afford it.

Oh yes. You’ve written a great description here. This “appropriate selfishness” is something I’ve been trying to learn, but when you’ve beaten it out of yourself it feels freaking impossible in some important situations.

I am so, so glad that my words helped you in some way! When I read your original comment it felt like I was looking in a digital mirror. I hope you find yourself and your happiness and bring it to others in your life. I want you to be... you! Great idea with the notebook btw

Your comment makes me think you’re one of those people who strives to never be selfish because you see how many selfish, awful people there are in the world. But then you focus so hard on never doing anything anyone could ever perceive as selfish, and before you know it, you don’t do anything for yourself to enjoy

Of course. But wouldn’t that kind of customer service, which would be neither expensive or difficult to implement, win over people and build loyalty? The fact that there is an oligopoly is the reason the big airlines can afford to not give a shit about customer service. Little things go a long way with people.

You and I share the same problem. In my personal case, I view it as the direct consequence of self-erasure. I have slowly and unnoticeably been erasing myself in the never-ending pursuit of pleasing others. I have constantly emptied myself, my priorities, and my time for others until I am nothing left other than a

Definitely. Especially “what makes me feel most satisfied after work” and “when do I feel the most energized.” It took me a while to think of answers to those, and they were pretty abstract, but what that told me was that I needed to make a change.

I think only the most hard-core of hard-core Nintendo gamers are frustrated by the Virtual Console issue. For me, I can’t even find enough time to finish the games I currently own, let alone pick up the other ones recently released and play those too. If there was a Virtual Console available right now, I wouldn’t even

It’s all fine and well (and even admirable) that you’re able to laugh at yourself—or at jokes that reference conditions you have. However, you, as an individual, don’t have the right to speak for others in terms of what they are or are not bothered by.

It’s also worth noting that blackface has its roots in some

I can’t speak for anyone else, but my experience with the Melee community is that they’re snobs. Run into plenty of them who act like every Smash game that isn’t Melee takes no skill and is kiddie shit next to their baby. So it’s backlash, pretty much.

Also doesn’t help that the Melee learning curve is crazy steep and

If these silly pandering names keep regurgitating its because there’s a market for it. Advertisers read the market and respond accordingly, very few agencies set a new trend unless their clients (hardware manufacturers) give them free reign and a lot of playing cash.

I remember one of the reasons I never tried to get into PC building was because it was kinda impossible to do a real side-by-side comparison of products without a lot of third-party advice. The fact that the names meant nothing contributed to this.

I really really don’t want you to take this the wrong way. Buddha knows I’m not a vindictive or hateful person, and I wish you no ill will on this Christmas afternoon.

It’s okay I didn’t like it, either. It’s bloated. The combat systems are clunky and cluttered. Regular breaks in the main story to pilot another character though glorified quicktime events. More inventory management than is required at your average Walmart. Character customization and quest difficulty is based on

I question why this isn’t a sports bra to begin with.

I think the 2ch person, hits the nail on the head. I’d love to think it was some kind of positive shift in the culture in creating likable but also 3-dimensional women who are just as integral to the main characters growth as the villain.

But the constantly disappointed anime fan within me just thinks the fetish

Hey there! Another self-employed sole-proprietor LLC owner here.

“Is there a calculator for people who don’t live permanently in the year 1990 and do actual modern contract work as a sole-proprietor LLC?”

The best part of Super Mario Odessey is when Peach just kind of get up and leaves Mario and Bowser for her own adventure. I want more of that!

Sorry to disagree here, but I am a lifelong fan of the Zelda games and I would kill for one that gives Zelda a better/bigger role. In general, she usually is the one to solve the problem by blasting it with some big deus ex machina magic, so why isnt she out there helping & saving the world with Link from the very