If a company can’t take 10 seconds to demonstrate they aren’t racist then people can absolutely exercise their free speech and boycott them. You people love free speech right?
If a company can’t take 10 seconds to demonstrate they aren’t racist then people can absolutely exercise their free speech and boycott them. You people love free speech right?
Silence is a position. It’s complicit with the problem.
Getting fat by eating food doesn’t suddenly mean your entire personality is OONGA BOONGA FOOD FOOD FOOD, which is what Wedge is for a good portion of the game.
Tifa in English (I haven’t listened to the Japanese voice track yet) sounds like her VA was trying really really hard to compensate for the presentation and show her as a mature, competent woman trying her best, and possibly trying a little too hard on occasion, to plaster a smile and a helpful attitude over all of…
Actually, this is just pure strawmanning. ibell isn’t arguing that her attractiveness was the only contributing factor but that it was the key contributing factor.
That’s certainly part of the reason. Another is that a lot of modern manga/anime artists are otaku who only learned to draw by copying previous manga artists of a specific style (well, more like anime, which makes the problem worse). Some are so bad at it that they can’t draw a man in his 40s without making him look…
You can’t believe it because you’re privileged enough not to have to deal with the actual issues that the people who are made to wear these sorts of uniforms in real life have to deal with, and you’re also not empathetic enough to understand the perspective of another fellow human being, and how such a thing might…
Ian’s just trying to cover all the bases of the ongoing hamster wheel discourse on whether fictional women should be sexy or not.
The first one is the fictional character was given giant boobs, an outfit that shows off the giant boobs, and an idle pose that is literally her swaying her giant boobs because the point of…
to not let her express her freedom
They could have just some clothes on the poor girl. She’s fairly old by now, must be getting quite chilly.
Really? These always feel like a free win.
Let me tl:dr the article for you:
Good for them. Those old pinup illustrations were cringey and embarassing.
Narcissism? ‘Scorched Earth’ mentalities?
A fundamental problem with our society is that it rewards psychopathy.
This is who millions of Americans want to spend their free time watching and give their hard earned money to. This guy.
“Other people I’ve talked to have been like, ‘I know what I’m working on, I know what I’ve gotten myself into here.’ And you start to blame yourself for being shitty or weak or spineless.”
Context does matter, but you are picking and choosing what context matters to you. As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US. That’s the context for this. More context for this, which a…
A couple of things to consider (this ended up being a longer post than I thought it would; I know, a long-winded Arnheim post—shocking):
1.) Most people don’t understand that argument—at least in the academic sense—is an intellectual exercise as often as it’s intended to actually shift a person’s perspective on a given…