
Sounds like the Xenoblade series isn’t for you. The review didn’t help me much as I actually adored Xenoblade Chronicles and played quite a bit of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. There’s problems with the games, but so few people are doing true adventure JRPGs that I ignore a bit of it.

Regardless of what he thought about the first game, if this game were good enough, wouldn’t it had won him over?

I chose to review it because, as I said in the second paragraph, I was hoping that Takahashi and crew would make something I enjoyed more this time around.

You rarely see violence against children depicted in the media for the same reasons that you rarely see children being sexualized: children are innocent, and it’s totally gross to put them in those circumstances. I get that the characters are animated, but the implication is still there and still gross.

Maybe because we haven’t been murdered but a whole bunch of us have been (or know people who have been) sexualized and abused as children.

“Nubile young humans”

Fucking barf, dude.

So, I’m *trying* for the first time in years to try to give anime a reasonable chance because my newly 10-year old daughter loves the animation style and wants to watch it. We’re mostly bumping around Netflix, since we both love the new Voltron (I don’t really consider that anime, btw) and the one we happened into to

I came here to post this example... Fire Emblem Heroes’ reddit had a bit of an internal argument about Nowi getting a Halloween outfit that was somehow even more riske than her normal inappropriate attire. It amazed me how I actually had to argue with people that it’s NOT ok. Like, people were legitimately defending

I’ll also throw in Bravely Default. Don’t watch anime but play lots of Japanese games and, at times... ick

First off - this is very relevant

Crap like this, and the response of “just get over it” is part of the reason I stopped watching Anime.

That’s pretty much most anime these days.

I really think games like this shouldn’t exist and I’m surprised women don’t speak up more about this. As a father of a little girl this makes me mad. Especially in the light of all these sexual allegations that are in the news these days the last thing we need is a game that encourages and feeds into that behavior

They just look underage, they are actually 21+... And still in school... Or something...


It’s Japan, so they get a free pass or something???

But they’re animated right? So what the problem?

....besides everything of course.

Is it okay if I’m really incredibly creeped out by this? I mean... all the fanservice is one thing but this is rather explicitly about underage girls.

I agree, but mainly just because handles are not professional. Various companies may have origins of all kinds, gaming origins are certainly unique, but not special, and a professional setting still mandates ‘business attire’ at company meetings; it just looks good and sends a professional image/message. Esports may

Meandering from the main topic here for a minute; Your wording on that last line strikes a chord with me. Recently I’ve found myself in situations where I was forced to explain to others in conversation why they ‘should in fact care about other people’. As if suddenly it has become a celebrated practice to pretend