And did you hear that Ubisoft comment about PS5 and next Xbox possibly coming in 2 years? Kind of jerks for taking the wind out of the X1X launch.
And did you hear that Ubisoft comment about PS5 and next Xbox possibly coming in 2 years? Kind of jerks for taking the wind out of the X1X launch.
I’m almost completely sure breasts do not work that way.
In the drawn version of the character (the current header image of this article), there’s something that’s bothering me:
What in the name of all fired fuck is up with her breasts?
I mean, I get it—fanservicey outfit is fanservicey—but, I mean, what the hell? I’m no Lothario, but I had my fair share of relationships…
The depressing part is, each of the characters is also in the same predicament Calvin is in: they are expected to know how to act by society, and flub it. Calvin’s dad feels like he’s expected to teach his kid baseball (and wallops him in the nose). Mr. Lockjaw feels like he’s expected to oversee and enforce the…
I grew up with fighting games rather than FPS and honestly and don’t like teabagging and I don’t care if it’s another woman who is doing it to me or a man, I find it immature and something I don’t like, either done to me or me doing it to others.
Different take: Destiny 2 is the first game where I don’t hate PvP, because I am able to maintain a K/D > 1, get a kill streak, and generally not be the worst person on the team, even though I’m by no means a casual player.
Cool mode idea: Fixed gear. Everyone gets the same randomly-selected guns for the match
Agreed. And thanks for bringing up music. As a teenager, I loved going to concerts, but I couldn’t care less about the lead singer’s favorite color. I didn’t read the interviews, I didn’t learn about their lives, but I went to tons of concerts and listened to the songs in my car. That’s still being a fan!
The pitfall that all TF2 female art seems to fall into is that it always tries to make them at least passably attractive.
My Titan is going FWC just to mix it up. In D1 all three of my dudes were New Monarchy and my D2 hunter and warlock will follow suit. I don’t like The Cure enough to join Dead Orbit.
The games I play on the PC have actually caused me to associate stress with sitting at my desk, even if I’m supposed to be relaxing playing a game. A decade plus of hardcore competetive raiding in MMOs, real time strategy games, MOBAs of unprecedented toxicity levels, card games where every move and response is being…
Your questions are easy to answer: Marina has boobs.
That’s literally all.
All other aspects of their design are irrelevant. No matter how much people say otherwise, I can promise you that.
Having an ally to either tank, heal, or DPS those toxic comments is incredibly helpful.
Sure, they may keep mouthing off, but being willing to
Alucard even suggested that that. “Then find the one that did the deed.”
Also it wasn’t complete Christian bashing. Trevor himself stated he needed “properly ordained” priest in order to make holy water to fight the demons. Basically it was damning the corrupt institute of the Catholic Church as a whole for spreading…
Right, right; but remember that we definitely sympathize with his wife, and his wife pleaded all the way to the moment of her death that he forgive them. So the question we have to ask ourselves is if we side with the overkill revenge fantasy, or we listen to the woman who gave her life to an ideal?
Alucard spells it out for you in the first episode: take vengeance on the ones responsible, but committing and execution on ALL the human race is madness. Boom, there. Dracula has jumped off the slippery slope and needs to be put down.
Well were is the fan service Armor for us gays?
I want armor that exposes chest and ass of the male characters and a pattern that points at their crotch.
I want it now!
The localization often makes the games better for me as an adult who enjoys JRPGs.
"I guess you could see it that way. I don't view the two as the same, because I don't view fanservice as "objectifying" women"
This is part of the problem. You need to understand that whether or not something is objectification is not dependent on your own ability to recognize it or not.
So is "fan service" a euphemism for "objectification?" Just because it's what you want doesn't make it enlightened.