Damien Handler

a series is designed to watch in order, and the individual episodes need to be engrossing in their own right, not only in light of what comes later.”

I definitely laughed one of those, “Aw shit, they got me good with that scare,” laughs after that moment, but also because Theo’s reaction—running the fuck out of the car screaming/crying—felt very real and relatable. Just exactly how you’d expect most people to react. Hell, maybe that was even how some more nervous vi

My usual reaction when I am genuinely caught off guard by a scare in a movie is to laugh. I have been enjoying HoHH a great deal, I love the family drama, and I love the pervading atmosphere of doom. But until this scare, I hadn’t had a laughing moment. My wife had even asked me about how I was liking the show,

then to perpetuate the lie long enough for her to possibly run out the clock on her own fertility.

It was nice to see that despite not remembering (again) anything about him Eleanor, as always, sees right through Michael’s lies.

... but he is NOT going to do that

Oh fork, we’re all in love with Chidi

It was nice to see that despite not remembering (again) anything about him Eleanor, as always, sees right through Michael’s lies. Those were bad lies but people often believe in what they hear to avoid things that are against their belief systems. She doesn’t allow him to distract her or let an explanation pacify

So that was episode writer Megan Amram playing the violin (sorry, the neck guitar), who Tahani gave $5000 to

Our heroes are back to fighting the system and not being the pawns of it. With that one move in this episode they have captured some of the magic that was missing when the series became earthbound. I didn’t think the last two episodes were excellent, but they were not really The Good Place.

The fact that the

Chidi is surprisingly jacked -- as advertised.

Low key buff Chidi could beat anyone up.

This was entirely Will Harper’s episode and man did he deliver.  Broken Chidi is my new favorite thing.

Steven is such a mega douche. He complains all the time that his father wont be open and honest with him but every single time Hugh tries to talk to him about literally anything, to get involved with his life, Steven yells and berates him. He is literally the ruddest meanest character. Im not a mother and never will

Yeah, I think I’m done reading these recaps. They really reek of pointless snobbery. “This show is fine for plebes who enjoy some jump scares — it’s even very well shot — but it’s not for sophisticated intellectuals like myself, who demand a more faithful adaptation of this Very Important Book.” It’s been the same

Yeah it was a fantastic jump scare which was then followed by a glow of “fuck me that worked so well on so many levels”. I wanted to rewatch it to marvel at it, but also I didn’t want to rewatch it in the slightest.

That was probably the only jump scare I’ve ever respected in the history of horror. And the goddamn scariest one I’ve ever seen.

Yeah, the series doesn’t really have a lead character, but he’s certainly the closest to it, and that’s fucking bold, because he is a piece of garbage. So, so so unlikable. 

I just want to put this out there: FUCK Steven. If the house eats him, I won’t even be sorry. The massive arrogance it takes to lie to your wife for years (years!) about your vasectomy, to gaslight her torment about being unable to have kids, because you think it’s easier than saying “I don’t ever want biological

I pretty entirely think people are missing the thing the show is trying to say, especially in the context of the last episode. Gonna try and explain my perspective.