Damien Handler

A might is better than nothing. Thank you!

Do I have to agree with McLevy just because he writes for a popular website? Because I don’t, and he’s loudly implying I have to.

The movie is fresh on your mind right now. It won’t be in a few months and you’ll be happy to see Paul Rudd as a superhero again.

Because there is a decent chance that all of the heroes who turned into dust and faded away are in the Quantum Realm, and Ant Man 2 might actually explain what the hell is happening in the next movie?

This is how we care.

I, for one, am happy to have something light and fun to look forward to. Infinity War is heavy, and there needs to be some levity in between heavy installments. And it’s not like all of the characters are permanently gone, anyway (well, Loki for sure is, probably Gamora too).

This is embarrassing. When I see posts like this, I imagine in my mind a scenario in which the writer is interviewing for an actual news organization or entertainment critic job and the employer pulls up this post and asks the writer to justify the arguments and if he actually thinks his readers have the mental

I mean, pretty easily. “Oh, this takes place before Infinity War? Got it.” But I don’t really think this was scheduled for after Infinity War without a reason. I get your complaints. I get that having another film set in that universe does give audiences a break, an “antidote,” to the bleak future that we were given

I’m with I09: Ant-Man and the Wasp is the light sorbet that compliments the heavy meal that was A:IW. Plus, as a longtime comic reader, I’m used to switching gears, going from a dark event (say, “No more mutants”) to something much more upbeat like Squirrel Girl. On tv, after a really upsetting episode of GOT or

There’s an ant that plays the drums in the trailer.

How am I NOT supposed to care?

Seriously though, I didn’t see Infinity War and I probably won’t in theaters, because I never loved the giant company wide crossover events and preferred to watch my favorite characters go on fun, semi-self contained adventures.


Bad post OP

I’m pretty damn sure A&W is going to tie into IW in some way by the end of the film. Likely through some important revelation about the Quantum Realm. We they are both in Avengers 4 so this movie, much like Captain Marvel will do Carol, will setup what led to their involvement in it. I also wouldn’t be shocked if

I’d rather watch an Ant-Man film in between heavy Thanos chapters than probably just about any other MCU type of film. I don’t think that one can expect something on the scale of and with the audacity of (relatively speaking) Infinity War without it being spread over a couple of years, and I’m just glad that we’re

The original Ant-Man gave us some context into what was going on in the margins of Civil War so I’m pretty sure this will give us context into infinity war.

I think I’m glad this didn’t come out closer to the Harry Potter movies. It was a great alternative and fun read for folks looking for something “like but different” at the time, but I think the film version would have been lost in the shuffle. Now it might be able to find a new audience and stand on its own.

Wait, I didn’t understand, you liked it or not?

Did you not enjoy Monsters, Inc.?! You monster.

Hey, Butler is awesome! He’s the best character in the series!

I don’t think Butler was ever white in the books, granted - the description paints him as some sort of nebulous melting pot ethnically, if memory serves.

Ohh I’m excited for Nonso Anozie being Butler! He was the only person on Zoo that I could stand.