Damien Handler

I just googled her new show and, oof... you weren’t kidding. I feel like she must’ve been slighted with some contractual bullshit because it’s hard to imagine her willingly signing up for this crap that will surely be playing 24/7 on the Bad Place.

I’m aware! My comment wasn’t a dig at you or anything, I just found it interesting that what you wrote parallels the movie so neatly, and I wondered whether you wrote it before watching it. It’s a (possible) nice coincidence, no ill will intended.

The best part about this comment is that there is a scene in this movie with Blake Lively’s character making what she explicitly calls a “real martini” with gin.

Thank you both! This needed to be said. 

The Stones only have power inside their universe of creation. The Quantum Realm might be somewhere else.

Yeah, the bell has rung with that offhanded comment, no way they can not include the snap into the story now, which is VERY troublesome because ending the series with half the cast dying for reasons outside the scope of the story being told wouldn’t be a great way to go. I’m wondering whether they’ll spin off the

Oh, I hadn’t even factored in that Infinity War being released a week early would’ve disrupted any plans for tie-ins in the show. Is this season going to have a double feature finale? Because if so, it’d make sense to involve... The thing that happens in the movie, although I’m not sure how they’d pull it off.

I thought Mack was being quite hypocritical with his reaction to Elena’s “I was only trying to save you,” after spending half a season spouting that same bullshit every other minute. At least she was actually doing something, all he wanted was to find a gilded cage and lock her in it.

From a business perspective, I understand cutting coverage of low traffic shows.

That would require the AV Club remembering they’re writing for people, not mindless clickbait-reading ad-sponge bots. I wouldn’t count on it. This place has gone to shit.

Then it’s not namedropping.

You should read Felix’ comment again, this time with attention. Or maybe some textbooks on reading comprehension.

Alternatively, you could just Unfollow everything and everybody except for people you actually like reading about and pages that post interesting content. It’s not a stopgap because it solves the problem in all formats, not just in your computer, and it works like gangbusters. As someone who had nearly 2k friends

It sounds like you haven’t watched the episode yet so I’ll slap a spoiler warning here (since I don’t know how to do spoiler tags in stupid Kinja), but only Fitz went to the future via cryonics, the rest of the team went via good old-fashioned Monolith.

Rafael is, and has always been, a huge asshole, and the only reason I’m sad he got ran over is that it probably means he won’t be the one getting killed off on the grounds of it being too obvious.

This is too good, oh my.

9, maybe 11.

“Also, most albums are now Friday releases, which the 10th doesn’t fall on.”

I don’t know what’s happening but I don’t like it.

Plot twist! The ravens can fly through wormholes! Apparently so can dragons!