Damien Handler

How many episodes until Sarah Paulson appears?

At first I thought Darci was getting close with Esteban to annoy Rogelio more but now that I think about it, they’re kind of perfect for each other. Also I’m just really glad Justina Machado has stuck around because she’s amazing and looks like she’s having a lot of fun with the role. All around love this show, it’s

Last week did they say somebody would specifically die next week or just a vague soon? I thought of it as more of a November sweeps thing lol

Is it just me, or is Katherine kinda shady? I mean besides treating Jane like shit, I don’t quite believe her story. When she was discussing the plan with Rafael, it seemed like she might be plotting to buy the hotel and then actually keep it for herself instead of appointing Rafael CEO or whatever (if the Marbella

This show just makes me so happy.

Loved the shot of the girls wearing eye patches and hooks.

Now playing

The freeze frame jokes are great, but I wish the author had delved more into the show’s use of visual humor in other ways. The timing of how Janet blinks in and out - especially in Janet Loves Jason when Michael and Jason started to tell her to go away and come back in rapid order - is editing for a visual gag at it’s

Soooooo.... Michael’s being tortured, right?

I must confess, as a woman named Janet with a brother named Michael, the Jackson connection for the show title never dawned on me for a moment. Also, I relish the way this show is making my name cool.

He’s fantastic, but so is literally everything else about the show. Pick it up for all those reasons.

Kinja’s the Bad Place.

“hot ocean milk with dead animal croutons” Is the best description of New England Clam chowder I’ve ever heard.

really love the show

I’m not saying this is at all a bad thing, but it does feel like the writers are using this as a way to get out every single theme restaurant joke they ever came up with in their lives out of their system in one glorious burst. :)

It’s a forking great show.

“I Tought I Saw a Puddin’ Vat” is the height of comedy, and Megan Amram should get a Kennedy Center arts award just for that pun alone.

Sorry but a B+ is way too low. I’d put this ep second only to the finale, even with the very limited Eleanor and Chidi.

D’Arcy Carden is a national treasure.

-Custard’s Last Flan

Given that she pulled a bound instruction manual out of her nose, hiding a note in your mouth while talking seems explainable.