Damien Handler

If armed with a flamethrower - yes!

I like Chelsea Peretti’s take on all caps:

My SO asked me what I thought about her tats once. Once. “At least they’re small” isn’t a great answer I guess.

in terms of big, important theological questions. Like:

He’s trying to break his brother out of jail!

That’s why I got this tattoo of hands permanently clutching the tattoo of pearls around my neck.

Poppycock! They’ve always let any douchebag who wants a tattoo to get one. It’s the douchebag supply that’s way off kilter.

A few other details - studios keep much more of the domestic gross, WW had a smaller budget, and I did mention ‘let down’. BvS failed to meet expectations, WW exceeded them. So BvS can be a middling blockbuster while WW is a resounding success even with the same worldwide gross, without even getting into how critical

Considering that prior to Wonder Woman’s movie (And no I’m not counting the 2 minutes she’s in BvS, she was barely in the movie long enough to have a character.) female characters were at best insignfigant to the plot and at worst heavily objectified, it’s good that someone knows how to write women for the DCEU.

She’s going to miss that one million dollar salary because now the pressure is on to be seven times better.

The greatest insult possible is being valued at the same level as Zack Snyder. Why don’t we put her in charge?

Daniel Dae Kim’s face has so many fucking angles it could be used to teach geometry lessons.

I’d argue it’s better for the change. If feels less cliche with the scenic view.

Random foreigners like to make snide, condescending comments about Americans.

so you know how you’re supposed to feel!

You obviously weren’t paying attention: gay sex creates hurricanes.

Speaking of prayer, remember to pray for the places affected by the hurricanes to the same God who created those hurricanes.

That would be Mumford & Nephew. They play the stuff that’s not hardcore enough for Sons.

The Last Jedi is the friends we made along the way.