Damien Handler

Have you seen how little information is relayed through raven? It's not like they write ten pages-long letters, all Cersei read was probably:

Yeah, I agree, but my point still stands.

And sometimes you miss out on decades of amazing music, but sure, you do you.

And still a sex slave.

Clearly whoever was there saw the dragons, went all "Oh, shit" and swam for their lives.

I like Ed Sheeran, and the first time he appeared onscreen completely pulled me out of the story, even if the scene itself was strong. By comparison, Of Monsters and Men is my absolute favorite band, they made a cameo last season, I knew they were going to show up, and yet I didn't even notice them until afterwards,

May the Seven open.

Uh, okay, Feminist Police, I wasn't trying to diminish them in any way.

Tips and Tricks.

Oh, whew, I skipped a few comments and thought you meant the sixth Saw movie was really good. Thank god you meant Star Trek.

One might think "don't assault people, sexually or otherwise" should be enough. One clearly doesn't read the news.

Well you weren't invited anyway!

It's probably because they were coffin so much while telling it.

I bat you still love them.

It's goth-na take a lot more than that, sir, I need Bram new pick-up lines!

The stakes have never been higher!

They can Count me in as well!


They're gonna suck the viewership dry with this!

Why spiders? Why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies"?!