Damien Handler

I need more Nancy, but just as long as they can dissociate him from spiders, because this show is seriously traumatizing me, I'm starting to watch episodes with hands covering my eyes until I feel confident they're not coming anymore.

The Dark Knight Rises would like to have a word with you.

And it is glorious.

Or, "It's 4 A.M. on a Monday, are you sure you should still be watching?"


I'm sure you're forgetting that with each new X-Men movie there are around two months in which they announce a new character daily. Sure, those only appear for about two milliseconds or get scrapped altogether, but still.

For all that's sacred, please don't touch the masterpiece that is Easy A. Also, what is there to clean on the first Spider Man? I'm assuming they're not just re-recording all of Peter's scenes with Tom Holland.

Are you a character in sense8?

Oh, crap, should've become a famous writer sooner so I could've been in on this.

It should have, that's why I think it's bonkers to begin with, and probably just plot-demanded.

This woman is a diabolical snake. I couldn't love her more.

I do get that, but I just thought people would be coming to these reviews and leaving comments appropriate to each episode and the discussion would flow from there. It's not like there's any validity to the argument that releasing the reviews more sparingly would mean that people who have seen the rest of the season

I didn't really get that feeling, but maybe it's just me failing to read into the way the scene was presented.

I don't think our reaction was supposed to be "awn". Well, mine, at least, was: "Crap, Penn's fucked."

You get the award for Nitpicking of the Year, hooray!

Pssst: Myles got the screeners a month ago, these have all been written for ages.

I'm a Muggle in this situation, but I tend to binge-watch half of Netflix's output (took me two days for this season), so this release strategy works best for me, and I thought it would work better for the slowpokes as well, because however you watch it, the reviews are going to be there for you already. Better than

And then come back, because no one ever leaves Litchfield unless it's straight to the cemetery. She could even be holding hands with Aleida and it'd be a callback to the pilot with her and Daya!

Also: Judy King, Maria, Sophia, and anyone who tried to flee and got sent to max. With the state of chaos in the proceedings, I'm even surprised they had a number to start with, but I guess they had to figure out the girls were in the bunker somehow.

I feel like the final shot is set up for a "Litchfield 10" storyline a la the Oceanic 6, most likely with each girl being on their own and with us spending the first episodes of the next season gradually learning what happened to them.