Damien Handler

I understand the concerns the reviewer has with Piscatella's characterization, and share some of them, but I think he worked better here than in the previous episode. He seems to me like a cross between Healy's grossly misogynistic treatment and perception of women (along with his misguided attempts to "help" them)

I appreciated the references, especially:

I wasn't feeling this season until the last episode, but I have to say: in the absence of Poussey, Tastee has become the heart of the show.

I don't understand how some people feel the need for reviews from Netflix shows to take longer to be posted. Getting them all out fast means binge-watchers get the reviews as soon as they watch each episode, and it's not like they are snapchat posts that are only available for 24 hours or something. If it takes longer

Oh, wow, I didn't even clock that she was talking in English on that scene.

Yes, and they're both prequels to Come Back.

I prefer the alternative: NEVER GO OUTSIDE.

Not enough shirtless Eggsy.

It's Stark, he probably created the radioactive spider in the first place.

So ready for this, the past two seasons have been stellar.

*Daisy spins top*

Yeah, I think Ophelia is a version of Aida created not only to rule the Framework, but also to have the potential of acquiring consciousness and "become a real girl".

And if they show a montage of everybody succeeding at the plan only to reveal it was imaginary and the real execution starts now - that's when we know it's gonna go extremely bad.

I believe Aida left a version of herself (Ophelia) to run the framework from inside while she pursues her masterplan on the real world, so the two wouldn't necessarily share "consciousness".

Here's hoping they go have a shot of tequila with Bobbi and Hunter.

"It's Strange"
"Who am I to judge?"

For a moment there, I could've sworn his name was Reinaldo de Jesus Henao of Queens, which is a pretty badass name.

The problem isn't with "final" on a vacuum, the problem is "finalize in a final way". Smooth.

The way they handled Daisy's backstory and revelation of her Inhuman nature, followed by terrigenesis (RIP Tripp) and her discovering her powers was just masterful. I remember being beyond excited when they figured out Coulson's alien drawings were a map and the second season became a frenzied race to "the City". This

I just re-read The AV Club's review of that episode and I had a good hearty chuckle at it mentioning the mystery of what makes "Skye" an "084". Oh, how far we've come.