Damien Handler

To me, it was T.R.A.C.K.S.

Fingers crossed!

I don't even wanna write this lest I incur the wrath of the TV God, but it might not be renewed for season five.

Another stellar episode in this stellar season. The Framework arc is the gift that keeps on giving, that tense scene culminating with Fitz "killing" Radcliffe's muse was gut-wrenching, even when you can tell that they're building his evil persona on the death of a woman who was already dead anyway, meaning he doesn't

I'm so glad this show is back. *heart emoji*

I'm sure the same amount of people is surprised on your inability to get a joke, buddy. Don't worry, we're all misunderstood.

It goes like this: text comes before video, read it, it's table-setting and spoiler-free; video comes before text, watch it, it's commentary on what appears on the video and will absolutely discuss… what appears in the video.

Also, I thought this episode's title was "Sweeney Agostinis", what gives?

I came to really like Maia’s trajectory throughout this season. Her character felt designed to be this show’s Alicia in the beginning: the spurned woman who had to (get back to/start to) work while navigating the consequences of a scandal (Peter’s betrayal/the Ponzi Scheme) that left a shadow hanging over her head,

Wait until the Playstation 42 is released, complete with ASI-generated NPCs, then you can feel conflicted about it.

The same thing that happens once you turn off your Playstation 4, which is to say: absolutely nothing.

Can the entire show move into the Framework for good so we could just stop being pissed off due to the (lack of) interaction between movies and show?

I loved Simmons playing Grand Theft Hydra, randomly stealing cars, interacting with NPCs, running away from the authorities and losing her Four Stars rating by hiding underground until it went away. Lovely stuff.

Basically, yes. Instead of swapping her consciousness with David, the SK just jumped to her mind, and from there to Kerry's. That's my take on why nobody's bodies changed places afterwards, since we've seen that happens whenever her power ends, and it would be too glaring a plot hole for these attentive writers not to

The shuffle thing only applies to mobile devices, and even then there are certain scripts that can be used on Android that enable turning shuffle off. I don't remember the name of the app that did that, though.

i firmly believe she's going to adhere to this with the new album's campaign. There's no way she can trump the numbers she pulled with 1989 unless she gives in to streaming, and I think it's for the better.

I'm assuming the Shadow King is the one responsible for "changing" Syd's power, since he can swap hosts, not the energy field.

From what I could gather, instead of switching bodies with David when she kissed him, Syd "absorbed" the Shadow King into her own mind and lost control, then SK used Syd's power in the same way to possess Kerry, was banished from her body by David and took Oliver as a host.

I have the same fear, especially since the season finale was light on those moments and, in case the season two follows that format, it might entail a disappointing drop in quality. But maybe next season they can focus more on the multiple personality aspect and still mess with the timeline a bit, which would go a

I felt the Hannibal likeness as well, especially on some of the sound effects. Both were amazing, so there's that.