Damien Handler

*Forrest McNeil traps everyone inside walls because his ball said so*

No? If the potential of a given show ranges from 1 to 10, a show that meets said potential would get a 10, a show that exceeds that potential, by definition of the word, would have to get an 11, or something. If you set a benchmark for potential and it is met, it gets the highest grades. It's really not that complex.


Yeah, well, I give zero f***s!

They have stated multiple times about how they like the Big Moments to be in random episodes instead of on season premieres/finales, hence Jane losing her virginity on 3x03 and not 2x22.

In the end, it'll be revealed he is a being from the fourth dimension who is in fact responsible for the machinations behind the lives of these characters, and then the third series shall begin, called The Good God.

@avclub-b527535fe9a66a55da991935f9751003:disqus or did you???

Plus, with Rafael's new hairstyle, they definitely seem like son and father. Cuteness overload!

My only reaction to this episode is wanting to scream forever at just how transcendental the whole affair was. Truly a masterpiece and I'm so glad I followed SHIELD through many lows while it perfected its entire deal, if only because it got me here. A magical place, indeed.

The first time I watched Arrival, the scene with Louise talking to Costello inside the fog had no subtitles, and so I didn't understand Abbot had died from the explosion. The second time, "Abbot is death process" killed me.


You'd be right. This episode, while a bit lukewarm, was still another great outing.

It's never not going to be hilarious to me how they gave Bla Bla a tv show.

That might be part of it. She's bland and non-threatening.

I think the joke with Abbey is that her character is meaningless and will be out the door in no time, so the narrator keeps forgetting to factor her in because she won't be around long enough to leave a lasting mark.

Welcome to the club! I'm an old-timer, I've been following Jane's adventures since the first episode, but it's always nice to see new people joining in on the fun, I'm glad you liked it. :)

Shameless, You're the Worst and Santa Clarita Diet excel at that, I love it. I really liked Community's pattern as well, wherein all episodes were named after fake college classes. There's also Gossip Girl, which had episodes titled after classic movies (and had a whole lot of fun making puns with them).

This show is already amazing. Everything I hoped for an then some. The Good Wife's energy and beating heart pulse strong in this one, there's more space to dedicate to the great characters of the past and to introduce some already crazy exciting new ones. Revealing Maia's homosexuality like it's NBD (because it is)

When Diane asked for "the investigator" on the premiére, for a split-second I yelled "Kalinda!" before realizing it wasn't gonna happen, and then I yelled "Robyn!". Here's hoping.

He just disappeared off the face of the Earth at some point.