Damien Handler

The writer's new. She'll improve.

"Oh, it's just a PEN now? It's not a PRINCIPLE anymore?"

All I could think about watching this episode was "What, do they think the cops are going to call all the pizza places whose magnets are on the fridge as well? It's a PEN".

"His wife's son's father's sister's lover" has got to be the best thing I have ever read on this site. We can even take it up a few notches:

@cinecraft:disqus will be hearing from J.J. Abrams' lawyers.

That was me with the season premiere, got my wish. This time, after all the episodes I spent worrying about Michael possibly dying, I honestly thought "okay, just go through with it already, I can't handle this anymore", also got my wish. And by that I mean I'm sorry, everyone.

The show will, indeed, be going through a Dearth of Michaels.

It's precisely because you "know nothing about this show" that a). you're not really in a place to have an opinion on the matter, sorry, and b). you don't get how it wouldn't be Jane the Virgin without sunny optimism and hope. Skipping ahead makes the show stay the same while also tapping on the aftermath of the

Plus Aida leaving a spot for whatever new villain they shall introduce, let's officially kickstart the Bring Back Bobbi 2017 campaign.

This is gonna get really dark really fast. Three days means Poussay's ghost is gonna be hovering over the whole thing and no one affected by it is gonna be getting closure any time soon.

While Kiss From a Rose plays and he begs Shockley to look at him.

You must feel very alone on that boat, every other person seems to be enjoying the crap out of the LMD storyline.

Watch Coulson and Radcliffe move to the Hamptons in order to blackmail each other and marry each other's sons and steal each other's fortunes. Let's hope they dig Two Graves.

Please! I've been dying to get a May-centric episode set entirely inside the now-dubbed Framework for weeks now, and having Agnes there opens up a lot of new possibilities. C'mon, Agents of SHIELD, the people need another 4722 Hours!

Well, Mace is gonna go all dead-by-heroic-sacrifice pretty soon, so at least one spot should open up.

It's getting really hard to respect or feel threatened by the Superior since I started watching Shameless.

Makes sense, whereas I binged the whole thing the second it was released. haha

I can't pinpoint the exact episode but, yes, it was around this point.

I agree with you wholeheartedly, and most likely the ones who are saying they'll quit are die-hard #TeamMichael people who can't stand the idea of Jane back with Rafael. It's not something I'd like to see happening either, but the past seasons definitely warrant trust in what these writers are doing and what comes

It does. I don't know if Drew's comedic timing improves drastically in the space of three episodes or if you just accept the show for what it is, but from then on it really found itself, at least in my opinion.