Damien Handler

That video, man, that video killed me.

I thought Drew was really out of her league at the beginning, but she really grows into the role.

Oh, that makes much more sense! I was cracking my brain a bit because I really didn't see Sheila biting him except for the time she bit the gold necklace.

It's used retroactively once a show ends to pinpoint the highlight of all highlights, I believe.

From what I've gathered, people are taking some time off because the events are too tragic, but intend on coming back later. I'm assuming there are some who swear they'll quit for good after this, but those are either blank promises or coming from people who never understood the show to begin with, so I'm not too

The time jump was so that the tragedy wouldn't drench the show in sorrow and misery permanently, there will still be flashbacks to the characters handling the period right after Michael's death, but skipping three years means they can also have some lightheartedness as well.

On a lighter note, and also something that has probably been going on for a while, but I just noticed, I love how the show's logo now has the little swirl on the 'g' scratching the word Virgin, since she has lost that label.

Plus, they obviously set Michael up as Perfect since halfway through season two to make sure his death would hit the hardest. Not going through with it would probably mean they would have to revert the character to his more icky moments from season one. In that sense, I'm kind of glad he'll be remembered as the sweet,

I don't think they will go down that road for a while, it would feel like a disservice. Dating probably won't be in the cards for her until at the very least season four.

I have feeling that's either not happening or, if it does, it will be handled so beautifully I won't have a problem with it (although I've been #TeamMichael since day one). After two and a half seasons, I have the utmost trust in these writers.

I just mentioned above, but I believe they originally intended for Michael to die at the end of season two, but then decided to keep him for a bit longer so they could give us all the amazing Jane-Michael married couple shenanigans this season, and I'm very glad. This corroborates this theory:

Probably because they originally planned on killing Michael off at the end of season two, so each season would be a "Part", but then they decided to keep him alive for a little while longer, which I'm quite thankful for, as it has granted us all of these amazing episodes this past half season.


Aw, man, now I'm sad about Trophy Wife all over again.

Can't believe I let that one pass! I honestly thought the town was called Fisher's Deck or Mystic Falls or Crows Murder or some other stupid name.

And then they were corpseblocked.

Well, to be fair, we are two episodes in on a heavily serialized tv show, so far there has pretty much only been enough screentime to flesh out Archie, Betty and Veronica, but I'm sure the others, including Kevin, are soon to follow. Wait until the Kevin-centric episode in which he's the suspect of the week to find

"Archie is Nate", complete with flexible morals and a penchant to date older ladies!

What I meant is that I thought the episode would be entirely centered on May, not showing any other main characters, just like that episode focused solely on Jemma.

So, it was inside of us all along????