Damien Handler

Well, it shall be produced by Eidos Montreal, so…

I do, it's called RightHandHandler. Oh, you meant a boat.

Oh, I like that! Hopefully that's how it goes down. It's an opportunity to throw the format out the window and do something different, I hope they're aware those are always immediate stand-outs.

I'm gonna choose to not remember that, thank you very much.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe comes to a close. A little afterwards, silent black and white movies make a huge comeback.

I was sort of hoping this episode would be the May-centric "4,722 Hours", set entirely inside the simulation while she learns to work it and eventually beats it and escapes, but, oh well.

The developments on that front have been very well handled. Kudos to the writers and both Clark Gregg and Ming-Na Wen. They took a coupling nobody would've wanted to become canon just a few months ago and organically made it a possibility the viewership can actually invest in. I'll never cease to declare Agents of

Show comes full circle. Ends. Roll credits. Six months later, The Avengers is re-released in theaters, only this time it plays in reverse, Memento-style.

I'm thinking Jemma as well, it would throw a huge wrench on FitzSimmons just like May's replacement is messing with… Coulsonry? Mall? Phay?

Plus, there was a poster for season 4B in which everyone's pics were tinged with Red and May's was white, so I'm guessing it's only a matter of time until half the team has been replaced.

Both. In The Penultimate Peril, they share a bed and are last seen holding hands. And then, on The Beatrice Letters, a passage states "I will love you until C realizes S is not worthy of his love", right before talking about Nero, and people have been assuming C and S are Charles and Sir because Nero is right on the

Let's not forget Carmelita Spats is coming even sooner, although I can't really call her "charismatic". (I wouldn't use that to describe Esme either, though)

It was, but Mr. Handler was so subtle it barely registered. I went looking for it after seeing these episodes and people have been putting two and two together since (as far back as I could tell) 2007.

Plus, getting to the Mill finally allows the series to stretch its wings and truly find its own voice. That was never gonna happen with all the comparisons to the movie the previous episodes were (understandably) saddled with.

That is bloody genius. @Netflix, MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Well, except Petra is the only one of the pair that has actively tried to better herself as a person, meanwhile Rafael pretends he's a "nice guy" while also nonchalantly doing everyone else wrong every step of the way. Petra's returns to her villainous roots are justified in righteous anger and paranoia, while Raf is

I fear for Petra's life and can we all, Jane writers included, collectively please just not?

We know, though, since it was considered an experiment and Shawn almost didn't agree to a second loop because it was a failure, since Michael expected it to run for 1,000 years and Shawn had said it would last around six months?

She's the Million-Joules Woman.

The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he wasn't Michael.