
I counter your fancy chocolate with “cheap chocolate” after Halloween one year we decided to use the unused candy bars for s’mores. Kit Kat, Crunch, and Hershey’s Cookies and Creme each were different enough and amazing in their own way. I now buy my Halloween candy with an eye towards what we can do with the

This is good advice and definitely should be applied to series also. I read a bunch of R.A. Salvatorre’s Drittz series and book like 8 or 10 or something doesn’t have any Drittz (all Wulfgar) and I was super annoyed by the end. The last book in the series I read I was 4 chapters in and all it was about was a minor

I want to file against the Girl Scouts. I hate how each cookie had it’s own plastic bumper, instead of having like 3 more cookies per row... I will fight someone for more peanut butter / chocolate goodness!

I like Eli’s response. Thought it was bullshit when Brett Favre was too hurt to play, but would come in for one snap and then sit. Would have served the Packers right if the back up got hurt and they didn’t have their 3rd string active since they had to have Favre active for his streak.

Heck, I’m not 100% sure Negan deserves it either.

I think I died a little when the (This show will no longer be available) popped up for Scrubs. Best background TV.

This should be at LEAST a sum 0. I pay $30 to relive the original trilogy, they pay me $30 to relive the prequel trilogy.

This should be at LEAST a sum 0. I pay $30 to relive the original trilogy, they pay me $30 to relive the prequel

So are his multiple endorsements of Fox & Friends not considered endorsing a product? I understand that people don’t “buy” F&F, but ratings effects and everything should be creating an uneven playing field for other news organizations.

...and everyone who voted for a 3rd party is shipped to South Dakota for the next 4 years...

Bring back Glenn or I’m never coming back. Recast everyone and have Walking Dead Good (New Actors Plus Glenn never dies) and Walking Dead Bad (Dead Glenn) and that exodus group will watch your new show.

Oh hooray, maybe it can be like Florida where Gov Scott’s company does all the drug screening and makes millions from tax payers... it’s OK though he divested his ownership... to his wife.

Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice.

I've got your answer!

Just curious what the difference between “guy” and “gal” is in your book as I’ve always seen them as the essentially the same level.

There are a great many things that are disgreed with between sects of Christianity (I always almost kicked out a friend’s service because I got in an argument with their worship leader about why they don’t allow instruments at their service (because they didn’t have instruments in the original gatherings) and so I

Note: Catholics <> Christians

Way to go, Greta! Foxes are great, just don’t listen when they are with their “& Friends”

He just got a message saying “What’s in your wallet?” when he looked there were divorce papers. That is her superpower!

Read today that Trump is ESTP on the Meyers Briggs and it describes him perfectly. It actually helped me, by providing a bit of understanding about who he is and why he does the things he does. Know thy enemy.