
Auto dimming rear view mirrors. They never work quickly enough to keep you from getting blinded by the jerk in the Bro-Dozer that decides to tailgate you.

I hate Ford Mustangs - All of them - but especially the V6s. I hate them for their obnoxious exhaust noise and for their cheap interiors. I hate them for being so slow compared to equivalent year Firebirds and Camaros. But I hate them most because they tripled the sales of the Firebirds and Camaros and IMO lead to

Why not rename EVERYTHING named after anyone who lived prior to today. This way we get rid of all of the offensive names. While we are at it lets ban the colors white, black, brown, yellow and red since those could be used to denigrate someone else. Everything from now on should just be a shade of blue or purple.

LOL. This statement is super ironic given the fact that Anti-Trumpers are out there physically attacking Pro-Trumpers with bats, sticks, knives and other objects.

2 replies but neither address the question of the greatest hoax and money laundering scheme devised in the last 40 years. If it weren’t a hoax then why was the raw data fabricated? If it weren’t a hoax then why would we have to be told over and over that the “science” in a consensus? The argument is the climate is

Guess it doesn’t matter that he has a history of being very progressive with women’s rights and minority relations. He even won the Ellis Island Award for his actions. Hillary Clinton on the other hand openly praised a former KKK leader as being her mentor and the heart and soul of the senate and called black youth

Or maybe it’s all a big hoax perpetrated by elites to funnel money away from proven technology into so-called green technology under the guise of protecting our climate. In the 1970s the going screed was “global cooling” was going to cause a new ice age by the mid 80s. Then in the 80s and 90s it became “global

You can’t take the concepts of taxation that were the norm in the 1st century and project them onto today. Christians are called to take care of the orphans and the widows and to feed the hungry. They are called to do it themselves...not to delegate that to the state. They are called to fill the storehouses of the

um...that’s totally NOT the Dave Ramsey way. Here are the baby steps in a simplified form.

Yes, I absolutely know how Uber works. It is NOT 100% random, lower ratings and higher cancellation rates result in fewer “matches” with potential riders.

Nice...I use gallon ziplocks, but I’ve also heard that it’s a good idea to go to a medical supply store and get the hasmat ones that they have in hospitals.

I do the same thing and 3/4 of my pukers got it all in the bag...the one that didn’t got it all over the side of my car cause I pulled over as soon as he asked for the bag from his friend. When I got them to their destination, the friend went inside got disinfectant and paper towels and cleaned the entire side of the

yep...my company does the same thing and it is hard to get into the thought that 3/5 is meets expectations when that is only 60% and in school that would be nearly a failing grade.

nor should they...places with East in front of them are usually crap holes. (East St. Louis, East Germany - back in the day)

Wrong...Baseball teams ABSOLUTELY sell their performance. They sell seats to WATCH the performance and they sell advertising rights. They also enter into broadcast agreements to SELL that same performance on television and radio for people to WATCH and LISTEN.

NO ONE buys a seat to a baseball stadium to watch the

It’s how Uber works. If you don’t feel your driver met your expectations to give them 5 stars then it is better to not rate them at all. Giving them 3 stars just jeopardizes their ability to make money.

Never mind the geological record that shows global warming and global cooling for millennia before humans had any kind of impact on the planet.

“how do you point out or recognize someone who has exceeded your expectations?”

You TIP them....and add a compliment in addition to the rating. 

It’s incredibly easy to understand. In all 3 pictures the people are STEALING from the owners of the baseball teams by watching over the fence instead of PAYING for admission to the game.

It’s amazing that this is something that one of the greatest Democrat presidents (JFK) understood but modern day Democrats are dumbfounded by.