
How about an even better idea....stop taxing people on their income which encourages people to hoard their wealth and instead tax people on what they SPEND! Rich people spend more than poor people so they will “pay their fair share.” If a poor person buys a $1000 item and pays 10% tax on it that’s $100 in tax...if a

Liberals never get tired of spending other people’s money do they? If the annual ridership is as you say 2.7 BILLION per year, then just raise the price of a subway ticket by $1 and you have just increased revenues substantially without having to steal raise taxes money from anyone else.

By rating a driver 3 stars based on “meeting” your expectations, you are sabotaging that driver’s ability to get riders in the future...and putting their job in jeopardy. 4-5 stars should be given for meeting expectations. Give a tip or a comment or compliment in the app if they go above and beyond.

At the end of the day whoever controls the money controls healthcare. Right now it is insurance companies. If government takes over the purse strings then it will be government. Women want “rich white guys” to stay out of their womb....well guess what happens when you tell those same rich white guys that they are in

This is absolutely a ploy to save the Taxi driver’s unions. The unintended consequence is that Uber and Lyft will likely just pull out of that market. Once the drivers are unionized, they are no different than Taxi drivers and the competitive advantage over the Taxis will be negated.

Ah yes, the tried and true response of someone who has no logical argument. Ad hominem attack. Hope it makes you feel better about yourself. Socialism fails no matter how you want to spin it. Eventually they always run out of other people’s money. It’s evident in Venezuela, it was clear in China (they had to

The only way that the NAFTA rewrite doesn’t hurt American jobs is if the auto unions release their stranglehold on labor costs. But they won’t do that because they would rather have unemployed union workers than to allow them to have their pay and benefits cut to be more in line with the rest of the private sector.

If you want Socialism go to Venezuela. It’s time to get back to the constitutional principles of limited government that made America the light on a hill, and the beacon of freedom to the world.

“Honestly, his supporters are nothing more than a bunch of whiny, ineffective, insecure bigots who have shown they’re willing to throw this place into the fucking toilet to get their way.”

This right there is EXACTLY why Trump won. Liberal elitists who have no logical argument so they resort to ad hominem attacks. 

Government can’t even run subway trains correctly and people think that it was a good idea for them to run healthcare? GTFO!

In the Caribbean Islands those often have manual transmissions in them too! They are everywhere as shuttle vans.

So a high school kid that drives his neighbor to school for gas money loses his right to his vehicle being a personal vehicle because he is accepting legal tender? GTFO with that nonsense.

There is a HUGE difference between lane splitting at reasonable speed during gridlock or rush hour backed up traffic but when traffic is moving at or above the speed limit and some asshat comes racing by at 10-20 or more over the speed limit that’s inconsiderate and dangerous.

That’s the thing...their advertising did not have those disclaimers.

The unions are very powerful. They (taxi unions especially) have a vested interest in seeing uber fail.

Except that most cities do regulate it. I had to get a business license, commercial drivers license, vehicle permit, and drivers ID from the city within 30 days of my first trip and have to keep those active yearly. The business license requires me to pay 1% earnings tax to renew on top of the state and federal 1099

The driver app requires the rating before we can go to any menu options. The only way we could see the earnings on a trip before rating would be to us the desktop web page to log in and check earnings. I don’t know about other drivers but I don’t have time for that. I want to rate a person and get moving. If I’m not

on a $10 fare the driver gets about $6. The driver then needs to set aside $2 to cover the 1099 taxes leaving them with $4 left over. Less the cost of operating their own vehicle and they are left with about $3.00 or so. Add to that the costs to keep their vehicle clean for riders who don’t care and downtime while

Uber pays drivers of UberX only 68% of the per mile charges (in my market) On a $10 fare, the driver will see less than $6 after the fees and Uber’s cut.

Not true. Uber has no tipping built in except for their uber taxi service.