
There’s a lot of these shenanigans in government contracting too. Lots of minority owned outfits out there that exist only because they get advantages in bidding on contracts, once they win they just sub the work back out to Lockheed Martin or Raytheon while taking a cut.

Dude, I don’t know what you’ve been smoking, but keep that stuff far away from me. If anything, the Corvette has been UNDERRATED for a very long time. The reason the Mustang is so popular with younger people is because they are EVERYWHERE, and almost everyone grows up with someone in their family that owns one. Also,

I know no one who doesn't have 1 of each class.....makes no sense to play just as a warlock. Been playing all 3 classes since alpha of D1

That Accord should last him another 5 years if he takes care of it.

Agree. Keep the Honda a year, pocket the 24k. Then keep the Honda another year and pocket another 24k. Then keep the Honda another year and pocket the 24k. Then keep the Honda another year and pocket the 24k. Do you see where I’m going with this?

This. Use that newfound income to pay down the debt you've already accrued rather than rushing to use it to support new debt.

With and extra $2000 a month coming in, the correct answer is to keep the current car for a year, and bank that $24,000 and pay cash for the next car, not to finance it and waste money with a double digit interest rate. Should anyone really waste $7-10,000 just in interest expense for a high interest rate auto loan??

A: Don’t get one at all. 

Wendig behaved like a lunatic and his Aftermath trilogy was garbage. He should never have been added. The current books were already bad enough with Lost Stars and similar crap.

Vader has murdered countless people. This is boohoo? Go back, you fake fans, and read on Vader’s deeds. This is not even remotely the worst

Ecofascism and don’t forget the Extreme Minority Mob effect where 1% of 1% of 1% think that the world needs to bend to their will.

Once you do immoral things like doxxing someone, you lose the moral high ground.

Immigration lawyer Andrew Free:


You can get quite a number of those tiny liquor bottles in a 1 quart clear bag. Enough to get you riggity riggity WRECKED for a few hours. Put your shampoo and what-not in your checked luggage and save the 3-1-1 for boozin’ it up.

You can get quite a number of those tiny liquor bottles in a 1 quart clear bag. Enough to get you riggity riggity

Not true. My wife always brings a large, metal, insulated water bottle when we fly, and it’s never been a problem. Why would most airports have installed, post security, new water fountains that accommodate water bottles if TSA was only going to confiscate them?

Not true. My wife always brings a large, metal, insulated water bottle when we fly, and it’s never been a problem.

They’ve never given me a problem if the bottle is actually empty. I always bring a water bottle with me and fill it up after security.

They’ve never given me a problem if the bottle is actually empty. I always bring a water bottle with me and fill it

Easier to just bring two of the airplane size mini-bottles of your favorite booze in a plastic baggy. Doesn’t violate liquid sized and security doesn’t care, but the airline may make a fuss if they see it. (Southwest never gives me a hard time and I fly 10+ times per year.)

Easier to just bring two of the airplane size mini-bottles of your favorite booze in a plastic baggy. Doesn’t

No. Nobody misses the shotgun jerks hiding in the corners in Crucible. Nobody.

It must suck to be held at gun point to read about and comment on games you hate.

Thankfully this isn’t a Battlefront-level cockup. I see nothing untoward in this instance, other than failure to disclose the exact nature of the xp system. Very glad to see they’ve fixed it to face value though.