
Main Titan but I have Warlock and Hunter as well, but I’m way behind on them...just unlocked dreaming city. Lol. 

Apple Watch 3 with cellular and gps is on sale for prime day. I picked one up (38mm) today for $229. Savings of $150.

Apple Watch 3 with cellular and gps is on sale for prime day. I picked one up (38mm) today for $229. Savings of

Can’t agree more! As someone who had read nearly all of the Expanded Universe prior to Disney destroying it, Wendig was one of the worst authors. Disney’s virtue signaling has been disgusting and they have been pushing their narrative through all of their new franchises, Star Wars, Marvel, none are safe from the push

Another case of government getting their greedy hands on things to collect more taxes (fees) and instead of continued tax revenue they have a mountain of bikes.

Pretty sure I didn’t say that. I’m just skeptical of anthropogenic global warming given the FACT that there is a geological record of millions of years that show extensive periods of warming and cooling well before the utilization of fossil fuels. But don’t let those pesky facts get in the way of a good scare tactic.

My point being that GOVERNMENT/CORPORATE coercion is not the answer.

Careful, these are the same people that warned that by the mid 2000s the polar ice caps would be gone and the oceans would rise 15 feet. Ecofacism is the new hip thing. Government/Corporate partnerships to force environmentalism on everyone under the guise of saving the earth. Nevermind the millions of years of

Why does the political party in power matter in a free market economy? If renewables are a less expensive alternative to produce electricity, and as you say the unsubsidized costs are cheaper than coal then no government action is needed to compel business to adopt.

The “birther” movement was started by Hillary’s campaign not from the right. It was from the blatant racism of the left that it was born.

It amazes me the vitriolic hatred of Trump now that he’s president but just a few years ago people (Democrats and Republicans) were lining up to get his money, be his friend, or otherwise hang on his coat tails. He’s not the idiot people make him out to be...you don’t amass billions of dollars by being an idiot. It’s

But no Samuel Jackson character!

This could be due to the law of unintended consequences. As government keeps mandating more and more “safety” products on vehicles the cost gets incrementally higher. TMPS, Backup Cameras, Lane Departure, pedestrian crash prevention, radar, etc. All of these things that used to be options are getting mandated and

I traded my PS4 for a PS4 Pro and had some out of pocket expense but for the same price as buying a new hard drive for my PS4 I got the bigger hard drive, the better WiFi radio, and the better resolution capability. Was worth it for me.

Here’s a novel idea...how about instead of all this continued government mandates we just let the free market work. If gas prices are high, then consumers will demand more fuel efficient vehicles and the manufacturers that can’t do that will go out of business. Simple. If a company wants to have a competitive

This is California liberalism for you.

I love the balance. I hated that a person could run a shoty and sniper and essentially one shot kill from anywhere. Now they have to be worked for. Power weapons are the weapons that can kill with one shot and that’s definitely where shotguns and snipers belong. Using them now becomes an opportunity cost.

#FireBevell, #FireCable. The offensive coordinator and the O-Line coach are directly responsible for the woes of the Seahawks this year.

As long as they continue to push FWD/AWD instead of RWD/AWD they will never be able to compete with BMW. Kia did it right by making the Stinger RWD/AWD but they missed the mark by bringing out the car on the KIA badge, IMO it should have been on the Genesis badge. People aren’t really interested in paying $40K+ for a

Switch the words “white” with “black” or any other race in this tome and you then become the biggest racist on the planet. But it’s ok since it’s only whitey that you are talking about.

Kansas doesn’t have a professional football team. Missouri does.

The Kansas City Chiefs, and are home to the loudest fans in professional sports!