
When the descriptions here say "blasphemy", it means that people who didn't believe in ancient fairy tales or who believed in a different brand of fairy tales were subject to these horrors. Today, sanctimonious scumbags like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Todd Starnes and others on Fox and Hate Radio complain that

"Carter, I'm still not sure about this 'wormhole'. There really aren't any worms, right?"
—Col. Jack O'Neill

Looks like a chocolate cordial. Yummy by themselves or in chocolate martinis.

I want to know where to get that chocolate wine they heard about.

Naquedah should do the trick.

Do you have an original Mazda? That would be a nice classic car.

Madame Vashta returns! Sexiest lizard of all time.

This will also happen on Faux News, right? LOLOLOL, I really exterminate myself, sometimes.

In America, spectators aren't allowed this close to demolitions for precisely this reason. It's one of those "pesky guv'mint regulations that take away our freedom" you often hear about.

If someone said they didn't want to date me because I was an "incompatible sign", I would have to agree. I couldn't date someone who believed in pseudoscience.

"I once got some instant water. But I didn't know what to add."

Hey, did you see the Half Governor somewhere? I thought I'd take her out for a bite…

I'm sure that's something he'll never forget. And neither will the guy in the blue shirt.

When Mavericks was in beta, I installed it on a bootable USB drive, so I didn't have to worry about screwing up a production machine. I assume I'll be able to do the same with Yosemite.

One thing that Hightail has that Dropbox, iCloud and most others don't is industrial-strength security and encryption that's approved for financial and accounting use. Hightail is approved by the AICPA, and most others aren't.

Maybe a dumb question, but why use glass, at all? Why not use something like Lucite with a scratch-resistant coating?

Doesn't play on the iPad. :(

This video is excellent. But what I'd really like to see is a 12th Doctor/Malcolm Tucker mashup. "Cybermen can kiss my f—-ing sweaty bollocks!"

Every time I install one, I get to say, "Jaffah! Cree!" And the room lights up, like I'm some kind of god. (Sorry if this is a repost; this page is throwing some errors.)

Not only did my ancestors come from different regions, but most of their traces were obliterated by two world wars. So this method might work for people with homogeneous backgrounds, but certainly not for everyone.