
In the last few seconds, I distinctly heard a droid say "WTF".

So this would be an infinite loop if you're at Bullshit Mountain (a/k/a Fox Noise).

If you're at a Wegmans supermarket, use their iPhone app to find the location of any item.

There are many things in New York City behind anonymous, brick walls that can give you a virus. USB sticks are now among them.

Now I know what astronauts will be taking with them instead of Tang.

So the next time someone is farting a lot, maybe it wasn't the burrito they had for lunch. They could just have a strong immune system.

That's a shitload of toilet paper.

Looks like US Airways picked the wrong day to stop sniffing pussy.


Jesus Diaz is married? OK, mazel tov. But why is that news?

Did the Soviets find a Zero-Point Module?

Did the Soviets find a Zero-Point Module?

Did the Soviets find a Zero-Point Module?

Did the Soviets find a Zero-Point Module?

Congrats! And EXTERMINATE!

Add a 4th panel to Richard III: his remains were found buried under a parking lot. But no word on whether he ever got a horse. (Probably not.)

The Virgin Atlantic video is amusing, but I don't think "inter-galactic" means what they think it means. Unless they're referring to a different Mars in a different galaxy.

So he fought the law, and the robot won.

Until the mid-1980s, I did a lot more TV watching and magazine reading. But then bulletin boards sprang up! And with my modems, I would dial into one board after another and go exploring, using lists of boards printed in Byte magazine and Boardwatch. Then CompuServe became available, and wow, that had everything! (I

So the trick is saline solution? All this time I've been trying it with bourbon.