
LOL. This is a winner.

Yes indeed.

Sephiroth is the roughly-transliterated Hebrew word for books. Does your gunea pig like to read?

Mars is the only known planet inhabited entirely by robots.

Either coke or he picked the wrong night to give up sniffing glue.

It might have been stolen, like the formerly-lost moon of Poosh.

That’s fine, but what I’d really prefer are over-the-ear clips to hold the buds in place.

That made my cat come running!

Is it just me, or does that shuttle look like it’s getting reamed?

Hopper prefers a motorcycle.

The genius who carried the bat’leth in his carry-on bag was an absolute v’druul. No honor at all.

Do you remember the White House spokesman (there was no press secretary) during the Bush Sr. presidency? His name was Larry Speakes.

Right-wing bozos are all about small government and “getting government off your back” and “reducing meddlesome regulations” until it’s time for some applause at a political rally. Or until it’s time to regulate women’s body parts.


Why not just use de-icing spray?

That’s not the outlook I want of the road ahead.

I see: when it comes to the Second Amendment, the Constitution is absolute, but when it comes to the First Amendment, we can ignore it.

This looks better than regular Bluetooth pairing. I have one set of Bluetooth speakers in the bedroom and another set in the living room, but BT doesn’t let you pair multiple devices together. (Emphasis on the word “pair”.)

I’d upvote your reply twice, if I could.

That’s a cover-up. It’s really a Goa’uld naquedah strip-mine.