Yes indeed.
Yes indeed.
Looks like US Airways picked the wrong day to stop sniffing pussy.
How do you get them to not smell like a cross between old sweat socks and farts? Seriously, whenever I smell Brussels sprouts cooking, I lose my appetite.
Calculating a car loan in your head is hard, but that's why there's Excel. Use the =PMT function to calculate your monthly payment amount, then add up total interest paid.
Speaking slowly and loudly doesn't work?
Run away from Chrome Remote Desktop. Run away! On all every host that I set up (at different locations and at different times), it worked great for a few days, then stopped. All remote machines started throwing inscrutable network errors, and the only fix was to uninstall the app. A Google search showed that many…
I like Costco, but I avoid all these highly processed foods, with their high salt and fat content. But I did manage to score a 5 lb. bag of frozen broccoli florets at Costco. It took up half my freezer, but it was great to have on hand.
Also have plenty of brandy and bourbon on hand.
When the initial story broke, I made plans with friends to go to Gallop to show support for Dayna and the owners. But we canceled those plans when we learned it was a hoax. But now I'm certainly going, because the restaurant — which just opened a few weeks ago — was a victim of Dayna's behavior and they shouldn't be…
Thanks! I just did this, and it works.
Oh, definitely don't join anything in a bad area or that's bare-bones. I'm in a well-heeled, low-crime county, and the PF is pretty nice. I'm sure there are other gyms that have good offers, too. Also, PF doesn't have any aquatics, FYI.
PF bills itself as "the judgment-free zone", which is great for people like me! LOL.
Planet Fitness. I got a year's membership as a gift last year, and it's great. Cost is $10/month, the equipment is well-maintained, the locker room is very clean, there are lots of treadmills, ellipticals and free-weights. And it's open 24/7 (I've been wondering who works out at 3am, but I'm not going to find out).
Planet Fitness. I got a year's membership as a gift last year, and it's great. Cost is $10/month, the equipment is well-maintained, the locker room is very clean, there are lots of treadmills, ellipticals and free-weights. And it's open 24/7 (I've been wondering who works out at 3am, but I'm not going to find out).
So if you like coffee-flavored broccoli or broccoli-flavored coffee, this is for you!
However, waving money around is a good way of getting the attention of your Congressman.
I've taken the subway more times than I can count, and never noticed the pointing. This video is superb.
No kidding about the Java runtime. Soon after I upgraded, I needed to run Cyberduck FTP, and got a message that I had to install Java. OS X did the download & installation automatically, but I was in a hurry and wish I'd known earlier.
These are all excellent, but to wrap cables, bulldog (binder) clips are too bulky. I use thin Velcro wraps. Home Depot sells a package of two rolls of them for about $5, and each roll has several dozen. They're reusable, and they're inexpensive enough that if you lose a few, you won't mind.