
I am always going to star you for your user name!

Also if you can’t tell the difference between a 19 year old 115 pound girl and a 25-30 year old 170 pound man you need an eye exam at the least and possibly a brain scan.

Moore claimed that as another officer, identified as G. Vasquez was handcuffing the teen, she spun her left shoulder into him, knocking Vasquez off the balance and taking him to the ground.

Can you give Dr. Shostak his own weekly column, please and thanks?

i bet he wishes he had chosen a prolonged standoff with federal authorities over a land dispute now, doesnt he? 18 months indeed.

ActBlue jumped out to me as a huge red flag on this one. ActBlue is a major fundraising tool for Democrats across the entire country and it’s one of the single largest sources of fundraising in the country. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but given all the Russian meddling in the election via hacking, I’m surprised

He is the Joe the Plumber of our time.Which means he will have a talk show and run for Congress in two years.

Aw man let poor Ken be. He doesn’t deserve this. It’s all fun and games till Thiel comes after your ass on bone’s behalf. And then you know what happens? No rice cooker

Don’t you know that if a white person doesn’t say the “N-word” they’re not racist? Racism is name calling ONLY. “Yeah, I mean, all I did was deny their basic rights and human dignity. You guys are acting like I called them mean names or something”

Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.


OMFG I wanna tongue kiss Howard Dean. I thought I was the only one with the cocaine theory.

...i don’t understand why everyone is so pissed. leave the dongle attached to your headphone cord. Do you regularly lose your headphone cable? No? Then no problem.

I read that in Tennant’s voice.

Are you trolling? That’s like telling someone who doesn’t want a motorcycle because it is dangerous to just avoid getting in an accident.

Instead, the researchers say new evidence shows that the impact was more “like a sledgehammer hitting a watermelon.”

I really have to wonder what companies like Square will do since we rely on the headphone jack to swipe our credit cards. Maybe they’ll just wave the fee for manually entering the numbers.

Apple’s newest tag line: “There’s a dongle for that.”

When we analyze the pattern, decode the blueprints, use them to build two wormhole devices because Gary Busey’s idiot son blew up the first one, and travel to their planet to meet one of them who pretends to be our dad?

Once we detect patterns in the signal that couldn’t possibly be caused by natural sources, such as a stream of prime numbers.