
I think Kodak was planning a retaliatory strike against Polaroid for that big patent suit.

When I'm at someone's house, I don't enjoy the warm, red wine that's been sitting around on the counter. People hear that it should be served at room temperature, but don't realize that the room in question should be the cellar of a medieval, French castle in February.

Just last night, the Google satellite showed a picture of a small wedding taking place on a rooftop in Pasadena. (And some very fat lady off to the side.)

I have a whole package of wooden utensils with opposing parts that move just the way I want them to. They're called chopsticks.

I'd think that electricity would make food taste like an unagi roll. Yum.

You press the special button and get slapped by a Big Butted Monkey?

This was the finding of New York State's Court of Appeals, so it applies to state law. But isn't this still a violation of Federal law?

If I had a million dollars,

So the super-tight airport security wouldn't have detected this bomb, yet the law-abiding public continues to be subject to molestation by the TSA.

The reason is that time slows down the faster you go, though it isn't noticeable until you approach the speed of light. So even if you could overcome the physical limitations of superfast travel (powerful engines, huge quantity of fuel, etc.), you couldn't overcome the time. From the perspective of your ship, you

The virtual keyboard is the only thing about the iPad I don't like. It was bad on my iPad 2, and it's still bad in my new one. Two keys that don't work properly are the space bar — my words tend to get stucktogether likethis — and the letter o, so I keep getting words like "frustratin" instead of "frustration". I type

I've been doing that for years. The price is usually a little more than checking the bag, but it's worth it to have the UPS people do the schlepping. But I still need to bring a carry-on with my computer stuff and other things I don't want to ship. But it won't be on Spirit.

Bin Laden lived with three of his wives in a compound that he didn't leave for several years. I think he called the Navy Seals himself.

I'm hoping somebody gets sued up the wazoo for that. Those packages are sharp as glass when you cut them open.

I was disappointed that they killed off Holly, and also felt bad for Fargo. But Felicia Day has so many other projects going on right now. Hey, that reminds me… it's Tuesday. That means another episode of The Guild was released! So off I go to Geek and Sundry.

I'll add one to the pile: Yutz. Yiddish word for someone who is both a dork and an unintentional clown. A yutz is *not* a d-bag, because there is no implied malfeasance.

Odd thing happened. I went to sleep a few nights ago, and next thing I know, I'm wide awake, teetering on top of some building outside Boston. Damn that Skaro, it's gotta be him. Emergency temporal shift!

So here's a question: most cell phones have a setting for airplane mode. But flight attendants will tell you not just to put the phone in airplane mode but to shut it off completely. So what's the point of airplane mode?

Uh oh. Read "Floating Dragon", by Stephen King.