
I knew K9 and Sarah Jane would be here somewhere!

This wouldn't have happened with K9. The Doctor programmed him too well. (Affirmative!)

What a maroon. Just because the bullet doesn't penetrate the body armor doesn't mean it won't do damage. He could still break a rib or bruise an internal organ. I guess it didn't occur to this genius to test the armor on a mannequin or a sandbag.

Why would I want a phone that's over a foot long?

Well done!

Does the car have a cow catcher? And if I were going to be hit by a car, I'm not sure if I'd want it to be a Volvo or a Rolls Royce. I figure the Rolls driver has deeper pockets.

Seems to me if the hackers know each other's identity, they're doing it wrong.

I spent $30 on a Bamboo stylus and about that much on several note-taking apps. With all of them, my hand makes as many marks on the page as the stylus does, and I have to write huge for legibility. Zoom feature helps a little, but is clunky to use. So unless a stylus solves those problems (like Cregle promises but

Cregle's Kickstarter page says they're waiting for Apple to re-test the hardware and software separately. I want one, so I hope they finish soon.

Agreed. I think the iPad's main competitor will turn out to be Windows 8 tablets.

Two thousand friends? Seriously? That's a huge security risk. You KNOW some of those people are up to no good. I agree with @captainatom1, below: if you wouldn't call someone on the phone, you shouldn't friend them on Facebook. I get requests all the time that I decline because I don't know them. I don't care how many

I have a device at home that prevents me from forming coherent thoughts and sentences, and it costs a lot less than this thing. The label on it says "bourbon".

Now I gotta be careful. You know what Daleks like to do..........EXTERMINATE!

Esperanto and Klingon are fine, but when will Google support Parseltongue? Or Sycorax?

So what does he have on his shower curtain?

The trip to the top does take too long, as others here have said.....and especially if you have to listen to elevator music the whole way.

Eh. I use HootSuite. It lets me manage two Twitter accounts, plus Facebook and Linked In (and more, if I wanted). I can post to multiple accounts simultaneously, easily copy, paste and shrink links, and it works on iPad, notebook and workstation. Only problem is the iPad version crashes once in a while.

I just threw up a little on my iPad. Saying McDonald's is delicious is like saying black exhaust from a truck is like mountain, pine air.

A5 chip? No A6? My iPad 2 already has an A5.

That guy at Wal-Mart was what I was thinking of, also. I wonder if the Carabinieri got suspicious when they saw the bills had portraits of President Bartlett.