
Glad I'm not the only dinosaur who remembers that!

LMFAO. Nobody has the guts to do that in America.

That person spent almost as much time folding one shirt as I spend packing a whole duffel bag. And what a waste of space. I'll use the hotel's valet service if my shirt is too wrinkled.

Cool feature indeed, but it would not take hours in the current version of Photoshop. Maybe a minute more. The content-aware features were introduced two years ago in CS5.

I have to guess there will be something else big that isn't known, yet. The iPad 2 added dual cameras and the multi-touch screen, and I don't think that adding 4G and retina display rise to the same level of "must have" upgrades. Maybe they'll add Siri? Or stereo speakers? Scratch-and-sniff web browser??

You're absolutely right that companies need to protect their IP, lest they lose it. And though they may have copied the i-thing from BMW, it doesn't matter much. The PTO puts computers and autos in separate classes. In fact, I've often thought it amusing that several cars seem to have been named after spreadsheet

The radical extremists of the right wing, motivated by their delusions of infantile ghost stories, are relentless in subverting every facet of life all over the world. There is no way to convince the religio-bots to stop, because they are beyond reason (yeah, like Daleks, LOL). They can only be intercepted. In this

Yes, but you have to fight with it, and Windows often undoes your changes. For example, I wish I had a dollar for every time file lists removed size and date columns and inserted track and album columns that I never use.

I really hope they make it work for power users and professionals, not just for newbies. Maybe have an Expert mode.

That's exactly what The Doctor found in The Waters Of Mars (one of the last David Tennant episodes).

We won't eliminate the Earth's oceans and make them dry, but we are killing them, which will have the same effect on us. We treat the oceans simultaneously as a pantry, a gas station and a toilet, and we are fishing the fish into extinction. The stress on the oceans is severe, and it's only a matter of time before

So basically, you have zero empathy and zero concern for anyone who doesn't live a life as comfortable as your own. (And many of these people have the gun of poverty to their heads, but that's really irrelevant.) It reminds me of the James Kilpatrick character in Airplane: "They knew what they were getting into......I

You mean a porno publisher is acting unethically? Wow, I'd never imagine.

The salary is the least of the workers' problems. Working unprotected with poisons and explosive material, being forced to work standing up for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week and doing the same repetitive motion all day long causes severe — and sometimes permanent — neurological and musculoskeletal injuries. THAT'S why

I'm off Twitter today in protest of their decision to censor tweets in other countries, buckling under pressure from authoritarian regimes. But this vid is pretty funny. #TwitterCensored #TwitterBlackout

OK, then we need drives with Richard Feynman, Stephen Hawking and a dual-sided one with James Watson and Francis Crick. Maybe one day we'll get one with Sheldon Cooper.

My name is William Shakespeare and I have a really, really big invoice. Who do I send it to?

Being anti-vivisection is a noble thing, but that's not what this is. To say this is ego-driven is simply incorrect.

This was how Hathor got into Stargate Command and made some baby Goa'ulds in the jacuzzi in their gym. Great episode.

That inflatable Dalek is pretty cool, but where can I get an inflatable Amy Pond??