
Is the stereotype that Jezebel posters are not judgmental idiots, are not oblivious to the rather obvious fact that there are homes and jobs located outside of cities, and do not think people who are less than wealthy are somehow morally obligated to look gift horses in the mouth? Because that seems to be the gist of

This is a really sad, inexplicable hill you’ve chosen to die on.

I saw an older white man with perfectly coiffed snow-white hair in a tracksuit talking on Bluetooth and carrying a latte step out of a bright red sports car.

News flash: Not all of us live in the city. Not all jobs are based in the city. If your grandma has a car she can’t drive, offers you its use, and it makes your life easier, you effing take her up on it. That is not an example of a bad decision.

“I have access to a car, but it would be poor judgement to drive that car when I could use public transportation!” Is essentially what you just said.

There’s absolutely no call for comments like this. I edit my work—we all do—but the night moves quickly and sometimes there are slip-ups. Please use this space to engage kindly and thoughtfully.

Yes, this.

Seriously. I’m not sure how accurate they are (as is the case with any study), but some “studies have shown” that men who consume large amounts of porn can’t even get it up for “real” women anymore. They look at a certain very unrealistic ideal and no flesh and blood woman can fulfill that fantasy.

Yeah- I absolutely think that some porn can be fun (and we’ve always had some form of it as a culture), and also that suppressing/denying it probably isn’t the way to do. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a lot of disturbing shit out there, and I am very curious about how it has affected how people 25 and under view

Like any other addiction, pornography use can make an already sick person worse. I doubt if you’re healthy that moderate use of porn will change much about you.

I know this isn’t a really popular opinion outside of radical feminism but I think there should be a conversation about how early exposure to porn influences the way men see women. Namely, porn tends to treat female actresses like objects. I remember reading an article by a former porn actress who admitted that there

I’m annoyed with all the “I watched for a week and hated it” comments. Things do take time, and this show has been sincerely good for at least all summer. Maybe not 18-24 yo (white) males good, but they’re what that fucking miserable Daniel Tosh is for. & “lack of social media buzz”? Have you no marketing department,

I am so sad about this. I love this show. It’s one of the few shows that really presented women’s and minority issues with genuine heart. They never gave it a chance. #saveLarry

I’m upset about this. Larry Wilmore’s show was very uneven, but that’s part of what made it so interesting. When he was on he was on fire. And, unlike a lot of other popular late-night hosts, he had plenty of women writers and on-air personalities, including the the hilarious Holly Walker and the insightful Franchesca

I watched the episode from the day of, in which he asks, “How was your day?” It honestly hit me pretty hard. It was a spectacular episode too. Both Larry Wilmore and the show’s writers have a lot of grace.

You mean like a drug deal gone bad or something? I can believe Lochte was buying pot in Rio no sweat. But if the deal went bad, I don’t think even he is dumb enough to report it as a robbery.

Why would the brazilian government even try to pursue this further? Frankly it just makes the country look even worse and petty IMO.

Tom got insulation and a bio child. Katie got the same kind of access to acting opportunities as Nicole Kidman got during her marriage to Tom, but she's not a good actress so it didn't pan out so great for her.

I am trying to decide what kind of idiot you are.

This story is exactly the kind of thing that will give him a huge bump in the polls. They like him because he’s a racist, sexist pig, not despite it. Also, I don’t know if you saw this but if there was any doubt that the only illegal immigration his supporters care about is if it’s a brown-skinned immigrant, check out