
You need the Purse Pouch (google it!). I saw one of those gimmicky as-seen-on-tv infomercials and bugged my boyfriend to get it. It’s on Amazon. We got one and then ordered another for his parents. We both love it. My purse sits in a hammock between seats. So it doesn’t take up space that is needed.

Am I missing something? Are we not going to talk about how she said just moments later ‘There isn’t a glass ceiling! There never was a glass ceiling!’ Cause, I saw that shit live this morning on my television. IN MY OWN GOTDAMN LIVING ROOM.

This is one of those things where, if it doesn’t apply to you, it’s not about you. If it doesn’t apply to your church, it’s not about your church. Not appreciating ‘thoughts and prayers’ isn’t the same as being anti-religious. So many people all they do is post a facebook picture saying ‘thoughts and prayers’. So many

I live in the caribbean these days....no issue keeping the butter in a butter bell. I just change the water out every 2-3 days. Easy peasy.

Oh, goodness. I live in Pompano and I walked one night to the beach a couple of weeks ago. I saw his hamster ball and asked him about it. He said he was getting ready to run to Bermuda the next morning. But, he ended up not going because of weather. He was out there with a couple of other people. They said they were

So many people really do think dogs are morally superior. (I’m not saying anyone on this thread. This thread seems delightfully tongue in cheek.) I just hear it all the time from the dog lovers in my life about how cats are assholes and dogs would never! I’m a cat lover in a dog family and the dog love/cat hate can

Don’t believe them :( I worked at a mortuary all thru high school. Dogs eat their owners all the time. People love to trot out stories about how the dog just lied down next to their owner who passed. (Or sometimes they even say the dog died of grief.) But, no. After a day or two, the dogs get hungry or the toilet runs

Oh, yeah. We’re the duffs for sure. Which, whatever. I don’t care if other people look at me and her and say, ‘Wow that Daisy sure is a DUFF’. But the fact that it’s what she thinks? oof, that hurt. She’s not really my friend anymore. She used to be my friend.

Yeah, over the last couple of years a couple of us tried to mention that. But, she just gets upset and says we don’t understand because we’re not that level of pretty like she is. She’s really insufferable and I barely talk to her anymore. Which is a shame, we used to be pretty tight and she was such a sweet girl.

Yeah, I think that’s it 100%. Kids can be so mean.

Yeah, I googled and I can’t find anything of him being anything other than a little soft before puberty hits. They might have called him that, but it would seem to be inaccurate.

Eh, maybe in his own head? I just googled photos of him as a kid. I didn’t see a ton. He was maybe a little round faced before puberty. But not even close to ‘fat’. Maybe he’s like my friend who always thought she was ugly, but then got a nose job and is now insufferable because now she suffer’s from pretty people

He seems like a good guy. I think he was the only one of them that even gave an apology? But, my memory is fuzzy.

Wait, did I miss something? was he fat at one time? I feel like his personality is what happens when you’ve been told you’re the hottest thing around since you were born. People that were considered unattractive as kids usually end up building character because of it. (Not always, there’s plenty that turn turds once

What the hell is going on with O’Day’s tit in that picture? It looks so awkward and painful.

Westlund. Like, I can’t even with that name. Can’t. Even.

As far as I’m concerned, you win the internet today.

Aren’t Lambert and Shelton the couple that got together after they both cheated on their spouses with each other? Or, am I thinking of some other country music couple? (I cannot keep them straight.)

That sounds really beautiful. Your mom sounds amazing. Lucky you. :)

Virtual support is lovely. :)