Joseph Gordon Levitt starring in a James Spader biopic.
Joseph Gordon Levitt starring in a James Spader biopic.
Man, Taylor really has a type, and that type is “bland looking white guy.”
All the bottles are still white, tho.
He’s a man. Of course he has an ego.
Sarandon has bugged me since she and Tim Robbins hijacked the Oscars with their sanctimonious Haiti speech a million years ago. Even if I (mostly) agree(d) with them politically, they really were the personification of smug rich white folks, totally out of touch and thinking they…
Mood disorders aren’t synonymous with what you’re describing. That’s just called being a jerk. And yes, she’s probably a jerk about politics.
It’s obvious to me, if not to reporters, that Trump’s supporters will stick with him so long as he doesn’t back off on issues of race. That’s the only thing his hardcore supporters care about. He backs off on immigration or the Muslim ban or fires the Nazis in his adminstration, like Bannon, and they’ll turn. They…
The thing is if Mcintosh had been a “minority student,” then I doubt Rick Perry would have taken time out of his precious schedule to attack Brooks.
Yup. Let this be a learning lesson to fellow conservative women. Ms Lahren did everything right to be a cool girl, she was one of the ‘good ones.’ She stepped out of a line and all her bros went, “I don’t know her.”
Reading all of those tweets in a row is unbelievable. I don’t think this is a ploy to “distract us.” I don’t think it’s some sort of tactic. I think this man is truly, completely out of his mind.
Hmmm...alternative theory:
Exactly. Stop treating these people as if they’re some type of expert or some type of rational voice. If you’re going to have them on, which you shouldn’t in the least bit, at least have the journalistic integrity to go the fuck after them.
If the folks at MSNBC didn’t just press him, and press him, and then ask him to leave if he didn’t answer, they need to stop calling themselves a news organization. My Dad was a reporter and news executive for 40 years, and these people know how to do this. It’s baked right in.
Why the fuck do we continue to invite LITERAL hate groups to participate in “constructive” dialogue? I’m so tired of this “both sides need a voice” false equivalency fuckgarbage.
You will never be able to convince me that Keanu Reeves is not the saddest man in the whole world.
Wow. I think he illustrates perfectly where the motivation for these bills comes from; a hatred for women’s voices and choices and medical well-being that is based in hatred of women themselves.
He’s the only reason why I watch it. I’m still on the fence on whether or not Drew can actually act.
What kind of monster would hold tomato and tuna with her bare hands? (I mean that with love).
I have two gross cats who rub their butts all over the carpet. And three gross roommates who do dabs in the house all day. Shoes ON!