
I’m... confused about what the angle is here. I think it’s totally understandable that she would feel a little knock to her self-esteem after finding out that an ex is gay, and I think wanting to score a hot rebound to feel sexually desirable again is within the bounds of normal behavior so... I guess I’m failing to

Is it wrong that I really really hate that dress? In a way that I’ve lost some measure of respect for her? God I feel shallow

Men are better equipped to talk about this issue then women. They can stay objective and unemotional about it.

“I love Hispanics. I love Hispanics,” Trump said to the audience. “Actually, I was kidding, you can get those Mexicans out of here.”

I’m surprised because, for one shining moment, he didn’t have the smallest hands in the room.

“When daycares send their infants, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing colic. They’re bringing germs. They’re poopy. And some, I assume, are good babies.”

Dude, chill.

I actually couldn’t care less about this remake, but any chance I get to make fun of the Ghostbusters crybabies, I will take.

Oh, if you’ve voted Republican in every national election since the 90s, you just straight up don’t have a fucking conscience, period.

Now playing

You don’t have a fucking conscience if you care more about not sullying your own progressive purity with a vote for Clinton than you care about immigrants, Muslims, women, poor people, and the rest of the fucking planet who stand to suffer in profound ways under Trump. If you want to be able to vote for the person who

Honestly, I’m a Bernie supporter who’s going to vote for Hillary, and probably even campaign for her, because, whether the circumstances were fair or not, he lost, and she’s now the only thing standing in the way of protofascist Donald Trump winning the presidency. And allowing Trump to win the presidency would be

isn’t it grand that idiots come in all shapes and sizes and races and genders? thanks for sharing.

Funny how some self-professed progressives are going to “protest” the corrupt DNC by allowing their fellow women/minority citizens to experience the biggest setback to their constitutional rights in decades, if not centuries.

I’m in my mid 30s and single as can be, and meanwhile, all the happy couples I thought I knew are imploding around me... so this story is a nice antidote to that. I hope he doesn’t cheat on her with his best friend’s girlfriend while they have an infant daughter... seriously, that’s the height of the bar right now for

I feel like stories about employers abusing their nannies, maids, etc. are very common. Why is that? I’d love to read more about it if anyone knows any studies done on the topic.

Me and all my nerd friends went to see it (separately) over the weekend and loved it. It was awesome and your life will be sadder for lacking it. :’(

It was a lot more physical and action-y than I expected and I loved that so much. Everyone was just beautiful and amazing and I still feel happy and giggly from the experience.

YES! I felt exactly this! They were all awesome during the big battle, but Kate McKinnon was my everything when she started kicking ass.

Ghostbusters was SO GOOD! During the big final battle scene, there’s a shot of Kate McKinnon running in slo-mo toward a bunch of ghosts, guns drawn, and the Ghostbusters theme song is blasting while she does it. For the first time in my life, I felt what I imagine little boys feel at superhero movies. “That could be