
I’m pretty sure that as people who’ve always had the Internet in their lives move into positions of power in society, having a few nudes out there and a raft of embarrassing things you tweeted about your crush when you were 13 be publicly accessible will become the norm.

As a mom i identified with the mother as soon as i saw the video. I know that calm. I was pulled over by a police officer who did not want to let me go. He kept coming back to my car asking more questions. I did not have nor was i on any drugs or alcohol. License, reg, insurance in check. I even had a gold card from

But if they created a new character who was gay, then he would be the “gay character” — essentially a token.

After Scalia died I started a one-woman campaign to get #WhenThereAreNine trending.

There are 320 million people in this country. She’s going to be able to come up with a decent pool of candidates. Just simmer down over there.

At this point I’m really hoping Scotland votes again to GTFO and then the EU fast tracks them back in.

Anything that lets the Scots screw over the British is cool in my book.

Hopefully the Northern Irish and the Scotts will secede and join the EU. The rest of England and especially those racist idiots will look like damn fools.

“I got mine, fuck all ya’ll” - older GOP’ers

Because it actually hurts the economy of the UK. There is no way it will positively affect it. On top of that, the Brexit campaign was largely run on a platform of xenophobia and racism. John Oliver did a great piece on Last Week Tonight that was extremely accessible.

Here’s an actual break down of the economic

You know who’s going to follow in the UK’s lead first though? Scotland. Already talking about another referendum on independence. UK withdrawing from the EU is precedent setting; now everybody from Catalonia to Florida will be agitating for secession on the basis of attaining “true sovereignty.” Ugh

Taylor majorly upgraded to a luxury model

Yes, his disability affects his balance, not his decision making. The only point of this was to try and gain some sympathy.

Whaaaat part of this look says “comfortable” & “summery” to you? The tight pencil skirt that is making my inner thighs chafe just looking at it? The heels that will smell like a hockey player’s jock strap after my sweaty feet walk one block in them? The black kimono long sleeved jacket?

It’s metaphorical. The baby is always “bigger” than you and your silly needs.

so.....what shoes ARE you wearing?

I hadn’t actually but I just did and in our defense it’s hard not to seem smug or self satisfied when the opposition is so far up its own ass it’s tonguing it’s own colon. They just keep acting so damn stupid. Again, I know that sounds shitty but I can’t believe we’re having national debates over shit like bathroom

In the eternal words of Dennis Reynolds, “It’s the implication.”

That is a typical response of someone who just likes to take the piss out of something they deemed inferior for everything but their time.

YES! That lawyer was bad news. Just pick yourself up, Kesha et al - dust yourself off, and call Gloria Allred already.