Yes some dogs but there is this study from Germany, they just don’t eat the face they eat the entire head.
I agree. This all sounds like propaganda from Big Dog to me. A dog would not starve to death out of some higher moral principle.
I find it comforting, too. I would rather my cats eat me than suffer because I had died and didn’t refill their kibble. Plus it’s like recycling!
Anytime someone talks about revolution, I can’t help but roll my eyes.
This! It’s nothing to do with who she supports, and everything to do with how she criticizes Clinton.
It’s not her support of Bernie Sanders that makes me question her feminism, but the fact that she chooses to define Clinton by her relationship to her father and her husband, rather than any actual merits or her own accomplishments.
in their defense, boiling water and strong chemicals can battle dead body things and sex germs
Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.
Yep. I was fine with the wife dying, (a whole ‘better to have loved and lost’ lesson would be fitting for the show), but going back to Robin was ridiculous and made the whole premise of Ted talking to his kids really skeevy. And what happened to Barney? Are they not friends anymore? Does he not care that Ted wants to…
Even the dying wouldn’t have been so sad if they hadn’t shown that the whole show was actually How I Still Want to Bang Aunt Robin all along. It turned an awesome show about the journey to meeting, and marrying the love of his life, into an exercise in trying to rationalize to his children why he wants to schtup a…
(I haven’t read the pilot and won’t.) I feel like they took the HIMYM script, changed the pronouns and names, and voila! HIMYD!! No, thank you. I'm still so angry about that shit they peddled us in the series finale.
You are 100% right, she did have this control and the ability to exercise it, even if that would come at great personal cost to the life she had built. Thank you for pointing that out.
Sort of. I mean she learns to keep her whore mouth shut from Sedgewick the sex trafficking Sea Turtle so....
FINALLY my children’s book, “Harriet Whore-mit the very haughty hottie hermit” can get off the ground! It’s about a hermit crab looking for a pimp to love her! “Are you my pimp?” She asks a series of increasingly abusive johns. It gets PRETTY gritty (cause she’s in so much sand!) but is truly fun for the whole family.…
Laying on a thick aren’t you? They’re gonna revoke your resident’s pass at Disney. And then they put a curse on you so that you can’t tell the difference between a Key lime and a regular lime. And your stone crabs never fully crack again, ever.
Decries “victim-first mentality”, nukes his own life because he has a meltdown over two women daring to mock a man’s mustache. It really is like spoons.
What I hear from people who say this to me is that there’s no way people are raped “that much.” These are people who more readily believe someone had sex and then regretted it then that they were raped.
There were 2 reasons I chose our pediatrician, and it was based on negative Yelp reviews.