
Like Kendall x Rachel Leigh Cook

I was like “everyone with dark hair that age looks like Kendall Jenner now...”

Yep!!! That’s what I did too.

“Surely this girl can’t look THAT much like Kendall Jen-”

Donald Trump: his own best anti-Trump ad.


Couldn’t it be that more women are hesitant to endorse a practice - legality aside - where they are especially vulnerable to the violence of human males?

Well, but there’s consenting to something because you want to have sex with people for money (and if you do, great! You do you!) and consenting to something because you’re poor, or uneducated, or feeding an addition, or whatever and it’s the only prospect you have for making money. Is that actually consent and is that

The point is that often the women AREN’T consenting and I really doubt any man stops to find out or even care. And the wives of the johns aren’t consenting either — to either secret betrayal or sexually transmitted diseases that they’d never think to check for to treat.

Uhm fishing is fun so I'm not seeing a problem

Seriously, man. Sad thing is-it’s a modern world problem. But if we aren’t dying from the new-world processed bagel and cigarette, in the new world, then we would have been dying from disease or some wild animal, in the “old” world. Both put us in the same place—6 feet under.


Bonus if the two languages are speaking English and “in tongues”

Its not a hard concept to explore parallel avenues of action. You know like when while you open your mouth you are also bringing up your leg so you can put your foot in it.

Go fuck yourself?

Reporting the incident to the company doesn’t prove they didn’t report it to the police. But it’s cute that you seem to think the police act much differently than the company did here. At least Uber didn’t invalidate the claim based on what the person was wearing.

Many times, in families where a loved one has a mental illness, they disappear so many times that the family becomes accustomed to them coming and going.

You are the problem then.