
Evicted?! Nanu-nanu bitch!

An adult in a room of children, who insists that he is in a room of adults.

I actually super hate that Justin Beiber song. I get what he’s trying to say but they whole song comes across as “Woah! Whats with all this self esteem going on here? Why aren’t you paying constant never ending attention to ME ME ME ME ME. Love me, not yourself.”

I was 13-14 in the mid-70s, and I got a lot of attention from grown men. I was thrilled by it. Boys my age either ignored me, barked at me, or called me names. Adult men talked to me like I was a person, admired me, complemented me. At the time, it was bliss, and I felt it made me special. And thanks mainly to a lack

No, no... you misunderstand... her kids are white.

There are versions of this speckled throughout the endurance world, even without the excuse of raising money for charity. Sometimes it’s running, sometimes it’s on a bike. Sometimes it’s donuts, sometimes it’s beer. Endurance athletes like pain and pushing their limits, and sometimes things get... weird.

Of course most men can handle rejection. I would guess that the percentage who kill after being rejected is miniscule.

I’m guessing he double majored in bigotry and entitlement with a minor in MRA studies, followed by a masters in conspiratorial thinking. He’s A.B.D in a Ph.D in batshit crazy.

oh please please please yes please please

This is the beginning of the road that leads to a Trump third party run. Mark my words, if he doesn't get the nomination, he'll claim that it was all a set up and run as an independent.

I love how he was practically literally speechless last night and needed to regroup with people to figure out how to maintain his brand image.

“I, uh, as I was writing down [his name], my pen ran out of ink,”

She understood enough to accuse the brown people.

How does anyone think Keke is good in this? She’s overacting and over pronouncing words. She’s terrible in this.

I don’t really mind it so much... except she is clearly lying because cats don’t wear makeup or get piercings. I know this because every time I have tried to do a smoky eye on my cats, they scratch me.

Right? This is like... 1995 all over again.

Worship leaders are usually the best singers in their church (because they’ve had college-level training) and MANY get a big head about it and start to think they’re rock stars.

Big Fish, Small Pond.

Michael Schiavo was treated horribly and got the worst raw deal when the fucking congress intervened to collude with Terry’s parents’ denial and he was straight up demonized in the right wing press. It was monstrous how this whole thing was treated like a political football. I had to stop watching. There was something

Kristen Wiig is funny but she doesn’t get enough credit for her dramatic range.

Nope. Too many of the base will ultimately say in the voting booth “Rubio is not one of our kind” along with immigration issue. Same goes with Carson and lesser extent Cruz since he spews much of what base likes. Angry white men are not going with a non Angry White Man to them ultimately these three fail that test.