
Have we reached a point where all cultural sharing is off limits? That seems so... stagnant.

My goodness. Miley sure is shaking up my square, conformist mindset. Has anyone seen my envelopes? Because I think they’ve all been pushed.

Carp Driesem.

what’s with that one idiot speed-chewing his cud?

It was like he was filibustering rational thinking.

Judging by his repeated misuse of the word whom, I’m guessing this guy wouldn’t suffer a which to live, either.

Ah yes, ye of inflated sense of self, who sees self on a higher level because of your supposed non-subscription to any political side of the spectrum, and therefore, recognizing that both sides are the same, according to your bizarre reasoning.

Seriously, love, the “pox on both their houses” fence-straddling third-way bullshit is more played out than anything on the “sides.” Just admit what you are, and that that is something you’re ashamed of so you take some bullshit contrarian stance to everything.

This person is posting the same comment all over the comments on this story.
So transparent and ignorable. :/

At first I thought you meant Bill Nye’s twitter page, not this other guy. I was ... maybe a little too excited.

TRUE. I forgot how wild things get when we have a NDG article.

God’s work you’re doing, son.

I hope you know that people like you are part of the problem.

It’s almost as if refusing to protect trans people didn’t stop straight men from going into womens’ restrooms to assault children there.

Wait. Social Media isn’t real? Young lady, that baked chicken & rice dish I posted last night was real and it was goddamn delicious!

Actually, he wouldn’t have known they were going to drive home if they hadn’t tipped him badly/he hadn’t gone outside to confront them, so...

That’s not quite it, though. You had the option to be the “walk away and say nothing” guy, but you made a choice and went out of your way to be the “oh my god fiction is so stupid you’re all so stupid for enjoying it boy howdy I’m glad I’m so very smart, not stupid like all you stupid people” guy.

Preeeeeetty sure you love to be “that guy.”

You may be right, but the cops won’t do a thing. I think what she did stands a better chance of making this guy think twice next time than telling the cops will.