
She pisses me off because maybe her message is rightish, but she will never acknowledge any sort of privilege that she has due to her race/looks. Yes. She is talented (I don’t like or listen to her music, but when I hear it I don’t hate it), but if she didn’t look the way she does, she would have no career. Which (and

Yeah, there’s a lot of complex reasons why people break their marital vows. One of the least complex/most selfish is ‘because s/he’s a fucking asshole who wanted the stability of a marriage with the excitement of an affair.”

By all means, enlighten me as to how it does work. Because if you’re a cheater, you either a) do not have enough self-awareness to understand whether or not you want to be in a committed relationship, and therefore shouldn’t be in one, or b) don’t give enough of a shit about your partner to be committed to them, and

You’re seriously comparing a cheater’s choice to betray their partner to peace in the Middle East? Human emotions are complex, but the choices that arise from those emotions are not. Humans are well equipped to rise above our base procreation instincts. Lying and cheating are BAD. I will make allowances for how people

Agreed. In my experience, cheating is usually a deeper symptom. Sometimes it has to do with dissatisfaction or an all-but-dead relationship. That doesn’t change the fact that if a partner expects fidelity, cheating is cheating. And I’ve seen plenty of instances of cheating where the cheater started cheating

If you're not fit for long term partnerships, then don't enter one. This is not complicated.

The blatantly obvious part is if you're not happy in your marriage, leave it honestly and don't be a cheating creep.

Or, if monogamy isn't right for you, you could maybe not be an asshole by lying about it. Monogamy isn't the moral issue; making a commitment and then intentionally breaking it is. If you don't want to be married, then fucking don't get married and no one gets hurt. Ta-da!

Yeah. No. I get what you’re saying but overall, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. It’s not a moral judgement to say that how someone acts in one situation may very well translate into how they act with you in the same situation. Maybe he cheated for a myriad of reasons (likely) but the fact is he

I’m beginning to get tired of all the moralizing around something that affects no one but the individuals and their families.

If it’s dead leave before you bring a side piece into it. Cheating is a way of crushing someone in so many ways and it’s incredibly disrespectful. You want to fish around for new flesh? End the relationship you’re in and then do it. Respect the person you’re with by ending things respectfully, not by fucking another

This. A friend recently had an affair with a married coworker, and justified it to herself because “His wife is crazy!” I’d be crazy too if my husband was fucking around with someone half his age, while I stayed home with his kids.

That wasn’t moralizing, it’s fact. Relationships that start out that way have a higher chance of failing than those that don’t. The reason being trust.

Or just a coward’s way of making someone else do the heavy lifting.

A relationship borne out of infidelity has pretty high odds of not lasting. Why? If they are willing to cheat with you, they are willing to cheat on you.

Oceans 401(k)?

If her contractions were getting close together, then yes it was a medical emergency. They had to have been getting close together if she ended up giving birth in a car in traffic with no attendant.

You realize that we’re not super concerned with how we look to you?

You realize this whole “diving into the comments to get hyperdefensive and insulting every single time you’re questioned” routine isn’t a good look for you, right?