Well yeah, sure, the author should just become a shut-in until her kid turns 18 then I guess.
Well yeah, sure, the author should just become a shut-in until her kid turns 18 then I guess.
That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
I thought her book was so funny!! Maybe not inspiring, but I wasn’t looking for inspiration. I was more looking for the story of her life, which was presented in a humorous way. She’s a comedian and a comedic writer, it seems to make so much sense. Perhaps essays would have been better, but not many people can pull…
False. Mindy Kaling’s book was good. End discussion.
If making a comment like this is a waste of time, then what is bothering to reply to a comment like this?
Well, since I was raised by an abusive alcoholic mom, this sounds like a dream life to me. To each his/her own!
Okay, so I know I’m in my 40s now, but I really don’t feel like it is too late for me to be adopted by Martha. I feel like she would buy me a pony and make me some amazing comfort food while smelling like Estee Lauder.
Excellent way to further sexualize breasts. Hey, they’re not just for babies OR for big boys, we can all share them! Sorry to be a grump, I just have a hard time seeing this as a good thing. How about we just allow breatfeeding to be what it is: unremarkable. And I mean that in the most positive way, in that…
I mean, even if I was totally secure in my relationship I would find it a bit humiliating. Like I wouldn’t necessarily be mad because I didn’t get my hands on it or because I would think that meant my SO was a commitment-phobe, but I would be mad because it would be embarrassing and rude.
If this is real, it’s totally a dick move.
Her brow game is on POINT. Do wish they had given her a stronger lip or eye though- the super clean face looks funny with the ultra dressy lace number(? I’m honestly not sure what that is- bodysuit? Slinky dress? It looks cool)she’s wearing.
Fuck this shit.
I found myself surprised that I was upset that during the rape they showed only Theon’s face. The only thought I had was “way to make a woman getting raped all about how a man feels.”
What has five hands and is that conflicted?
Your daughter is lactose intolerant...so she’s breast fed? That makes zero sense.
You might want to consider switching to decaf.
as a whole, black people seem to intuitively get that voting gop is against their self interest. i wish there were some way of explaining to non rich white people that voting gop is against their self interest. religion usually gets in the way though