
“PC gaming master race can get back to me when a PC setup, to play a game, from my couch, on my big screen TV....with a controller only”

Sonic fan remains bitter?

Ps shoot?

Feels like a movie not a RE entry. I would watch the shot outta that movie

I was on board until mostly story driven. I want to glide through Gotham!!!!!

I am sick of install times on every game and controller hardware updates and all the day 1 patches and I miss not having to predownload new games at midnight.

I bought a PS 3 because Uncharted and The Last Of Us. I bought a 360 originally for LFD2 and GOW2. That does not mean I am ignorant it means I enjoy those games and that is what so had to do to play them.

Do you even Steam-Machine bro?

I would rather buy a Rim and Sky it than pad their pockets again. Remastered gen continues.

Next to Trump Clinton looks like a rational choice. Look where our country is. Sad. Like your trolling.

It takes him this many times and their cash cow to get discipline? NBA is a joke.

Felix is a perfect name. I quite like it actually. You sir, are incorrect.

I think you are awesome for being transparent. Checked a few other blogs here and no mention of it as far as I could see.

So that dude who punched that other dude getting kicked out of a Trump rally never happened? You are hilarious

I want to believe! I have the feeling they will treat it badly.

The only to really verify this is to give me your ssn and mothers maiden name.

Semantics the last line of defense.

The future of gaming sucks
