
As I am 33, I have no goddamn idea what's going on.

Old man yells at cloud...based gaming.

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You should evolve your Rattata to Pizza Rattata. You’ll be able to kick a lot of ass then.

A news destination... 140 characters at a time. Sure, why not? The American attention span is pretty low already, let’s just eliminate it altogether.

I used to avoid this game (I was an achievement junkie and its achievements were, and I believe still are, glitched — I’ve since grown up). My five year old, however, got a wii a few months back as a reward for a great first year at school. I recently took him to Game Stop to get Just Dance Kids (he loves dance games,

Considering 2009 graphics, I’d say it’s about as good a representation of him as it is anyone else - not perfect, not photorealistic, but recognizable.

one of the best comedy directors out there, Paul Feig.

Answer the Call

I agree with him that Ghostbusters II suffered in the first act by making the Ghostbusters disgraced. I don’t agree that this needed to be a reboot. It’d be nice to see some sort of continuation.

I’m actually looking forward to the new Ghostbusters, but as far as I’m concerned it’s actually Ghostbusters 4 and this 2009 third-person shooter (voiced by the original cast) is the real Ghostbusters 3. Solid story that fit in with the original two and pretty fun as well.

And with the Spirit rover, JPL did something even worse:


If you’re going to remake a beloved movie, you better do it well. And NOTHING they’ve done has led us to believe they did it well.

While I’m not a fan of the AVGN stuff, I feel pretty bad for James Rolfe and the utter shit storm he got hit with just because he said that he doesn’t have any interest in seeing the movie, and it doesn’t look good to him. He even admits that it may turn out good, but he’s just not keen on catching because he’s pretty

“gender of its cast, its rebooting of a beloved franchise, or basically just existing” - I think my issue is it just doesn’t look very good. To me the franchise has always been about humor, cool science, and scary ghosts, but I haven’t laughed at the trailers yet, the science looks dumb (ghost punchers and bear

What the hell are you talking about? What kind of PB has crunchy black peanuts??

I always go for the generic, with just a few exceptions. For example:

Baby, I can make up with it with ill timed sarcasm, dark humor, emotional abuse, and debatable fidelity!

4. How will you deal with the inevitable changes in yourselves which may make the original agreements no longer valid?

I think finding soggy Playboys (or Hustlers, or Penthouse, etc) are a rite of passage. We've all done it.