
Picked up the room a and a body pillow for my pregnant wife

Now Twitter can be even more toxic yea!

Lmao I feel sometimes in my marriage this is all I bring. Then I thank my lucky stars she enjoys oral sex.

69 in summer !

It is hard to express a legitimate disliking of this movie on the internet because of your gender. Even if the trailers and commercials look like complete crap. Why the focus on the black lady instead of McCarthy or that lady from bridesmaids. Anytime I see a focus on loud black people yelling in a comedy movie it

Peanut Butter rounds don’t taste the same as Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. I don’t care what anybody says!

rise rise rise fall rise again to squirt on her tits.

Fuck you grammar Nazi!

No. That was the GameCube. Wii U is middle of the road.

“[Xbox Scorpio and PS Neo are] an incredibly positive evolution of the business strategy for players and for our industry.” - EA global publishing chief Laura Mielew

Social Justice Warriors unite! On the internet, without making real difference and never stepping into the neighborhoods they are trying to protect.

So Drew, now you, are just irrationally lashing out at sports personalities? Looks like jellyfish swim in schools.

I respect you for not giving in to the temptation to power through alcohol.

The scariest part was the finished product. Those things are creepy!

Why would I buy an NX when Nintendo has been terrible stewards of gaming in general with the Wii U?

I’m too old to give a fuck about who cheated on her and why she’s making a whole album about it. Plus those glasses are hideous!

This season is the third act. The time for set up is passed. Get over it. Re read the book. Stop complaining about how the show doesn’t fully flesh out this huge roster of characters and their motivations. Take it as is or stop complaining about the conclusion coming sooner than you want it to.

TLDW. Please give me bullet points or a recap of the main point. Lol

You had a gun pointed at your head and someone telling you to watch it? Go on GOT post and watch videos about it without being current or you die!

Last season was entirely about subtlety. It sucked. This season things are moving. It is like they took story laxative in season 4 but it don’t kick in until 6.