
I lived in Chicago. Not Naperville. Not Forrest Fucking Park. Most the people I knew were not dicks. What exactly is our stereotypical type?

There are women presidents all over the world. This is a political party nomination. She has work to do. Trump can still kick her ass.

The president is just a puppet of those who put them there in the first place. Congress and the house seem to be where the real power is.

That explains his face but what about the reporter’s face? They caught her looking like she just smelled her own fart!

I will give you 1 star if you never come back here again.

Can we get some new IPs? Thanks.

Congrats on the weight loss!

And they say Gawker media is full of half baked bloggers who are making wild claims with vitriol infused articles and statements. Way to show them, Matt!

The stark women pissed me off. logic made me mad but it is entertaining. LSH bro. I have a feeling.

I know it was early but I never said way beyond. I like how you cherry picked that one though! The Hound is back and Jon Snow is marching on Winterfell! Enjoy it.

He sure did get after Gawker though!

This is not the books. Get over it. This is Season 6 dude. We are now beyond the books ya mad man.

I was so excited to go to Bear Island and she made it worth it a hundred times!

As a cat myself I think my brethren should never be in cages. Being the house cat I am has given me a taste for the finer things in life such as all natural food hand served by my slaves. If my larger cousins do not get treated the same way then I can see why they would act out and gnaw on a femur or two.

The first slow-mo quicksilver scene was the best. This felt forced. I liked the opening scene better than this scene.

VR has the same feel as Kinect. Install base too low to warrant further resources allocated to it. Cool tech but no games to justify itself to the masses.

You got the “mutations” on tap! I loved them just for being totally different and whacky! 4 tanks or survivors with only swords. They were such a good time.

Ltd 2 made online multiplayer for me. Without it I have spent much more time in singleplayer games. Well, horde more in Gears 3 was very fun.

Lfd2 was the best game I have ever played that made "you are only as good as your weakest link” true.

There are too many dick and ball highlights these playoffs!