
Don’t forget that it will be built on a Superfund site that’s on a floodplain, and that the majority of the workforce used to build it will be severely underpaid “undocumented” workers who will be deported after the last nail is driven, but right before their last payday is doled out.

I think that since Arthur is on the hero path, Dot will go down the villain path. Where they converge, that’s the age-old drama of most comic book rivalries, which is ripe for parody.

as New York’s AEGIS office has been shut down due to a lack of superheroes.

So this is the Special Edition versions of the movies, right? Not the original theatrical versions? That distinction should be made a bit more clear.

So this is the Special Edition versions of the movies, right? Not the original theatrical versions? That distinction

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The shitty American ‘French’ accent you’re looking for comes from Maurice Chevalier.

Frankly, the way things are going with the TSA requirements everyone will be forced to strip naked and be anesthetized before being stacked like cord wood into the fuselage of the plane.  

I’ll pass. Why help idiots with too much money and bad taste in music recoup some of their financial loss? They should be forced to wear these clothing items for a five year period, so that all can mock them for their poor financial fund management skills.

All these problems could be solved if they just institute the requirement that all passengers must travel naked and be anesthetized before boarding being loaded aboard the plane. Sure, you might not arrive at the destination that you planned, or arrive alive, or be sold into a sex slave ring, but the airlines would

They should just drop crude spears out on the tarmac and go Belko Experiment on the people that paid to go to this thing.

One summer, I went with family friends out on a couple week camping trip. When I returned, my mom had thrown out my X-wing fighter, Landspeeder, Luke, Obi-Wan, and Vader (all with the lightsabers that retracted into the arms). Yeah. She threw out roughly $10,000-15,000 worth of stuff. This was in the early 80's. I had

Look, I’m part of a podcast that covers genre topics and news. We don’t get paid, we do it mainly for fun, and we don’t have any ad revenue running on our site...for now. We voice our own opinions about the topics and subjects we cover, and we’re not influenced by outside monies. I guess that’s your definition of

I don’t watch tennis, so I don’t know what the ‘easy’ answer was either.

Not to mention that firing bullets at an angle (vs straight up into the air) is extremely dangerous, as those bullets can still have enough velocity to be deadly.

I wonder if the new stadium in Vegas will be modeled on Mark Davis’ chili bowl haircut?

In 2025, the Raiders will move back to Oakland and the Coliseum leaving the taxpayers of Las Vegas with a big, empty, ugly bowl that they (the taxpayers) will still be paying for in the years to come. Just ask L.A.  

C’mon, everyone knows the real story here.....the plane obviously became sentient, found out that Trump was president, and was trying to escape to Canada for political asylum. Alas, the journey didn’t end well, and he/she is in a better place now.

Signal jammers or a focused EMP burst seems like they would be more accurate (and feasible) than trying to fire a net into the sky.

It’s coming up as being $21.40, not $13.

It’s coming up as being $21.40, not $13.